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分享到: 2019-05-17 10:11:38 BBC英语教学





The researchers analysed data on more than 17,000 children up to the age of 14, alongside reports from parents on their children's emotional wellbeing. From the age of seven, the study found obesity and emotional problems, such as feelings of anxiety and low mood, were closely linked and gradually increased throughout childhood.

研究人员们分析了 1.7 万多名 14 岁以下儿童的数据,同时分析了家长对孩子心理健康状况的报告。研究发现,从 7 岁开始,肥胖与焦虑、情绪低落等情绪问题之间的联系非常紧密,而且这种联系在整个童年时期逐渐加深。

Girls tended to have a higher body mass index and more emotional problems than boys. The findings suggest that the causes of obesity are complex and telling children to eat less and exercise more, may not be enough to reduce childhood obesity on its own.


1. 词汇

emotional wellbeing 心理健康
obesity 肥胖
anxiety 焦虑
low mood 情绪低落
body mass index 体重指数
findings 研究结果,调查发现
complex 复杂的

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。

1. True or false? Eating less and exercising more are the only ways to reduce obesity in children.

2. According to this research, how did obesity and emotional problems change through childhood?

3. What examples of emotional problems were mentioned in the report?

4. According to this research, what was it that girls had more of than boys?

3. 答案

1. True or false? Eating less and exercising more are the only ways to reduce obesity in children.
False. The findings suggest that the causes of obesity are complex, and telling children to eat less and exercise more may not be enough to reduce childhood obesity on its own.

2. According to this research, how did obesity and emotional problems change through childhood?
The study found obesity and emotional problems gradually increased throughout childhood from the age of seven.

3. What examples of emotional problems were mentioned in the report?
Examples of the emotional problems mentioned were feelings of anxiety and low mood.

4. According to this research, what was it that girls had more of than boys?
The study found girls tended to have a higher body mass index and more emotional problems than boys.
