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Hot-air balloon legend 热气球飞行家的故事

分享到: 2020-03-09 14:09:45 BBC英语教学

摘要:Hot-air balloon legend 热气球飞行家的故事


Hot-air balloon legend 热气球飞行家的故事


Hot-air balloon legend 热气球飞行家的故事


有关 “hot-air balloons(热气球)” 的词汇


What were Don Cameron and his group the first to do?


Don Cameron, Founder, Cameron Balloons
唐·卡梅伦 卡梅伦气球(Cameron Balloons)创办者

It has a kind of a magical, gravity-defying feeling about it. You can fly much more low [much lower] - near the ground. And you can even talk to people on the ground, and you’re going slow enough to appreciate what is floating past you.


I’m Don Cameron, and we’re in the balloon factory here in Bristol - Cameron Balloons.


We do special-shaped balloons, and we can make almost any shape. Animals are most fun I suppose. We built all sorts of animals - dinosaurs and squirrels, almost everything.


It was a group of us from the gliding club who decided to build our own balloon. And we built the first modern hot-air balloon this side of the Atlantic. It was called the Bristol Belle. We started work in 1966 and didn’t finish it until the summer of 1967.

我们滑翔俱乐部里的一群人决定自己做一个热气球。我们制作了欧洲的第一个现代热气球。它被称为“布里斯托尔贝莱(Bristol Belle)”。我们从1966年开始制作它,直到1967年夏天才结束。

Building balloons over the years hasn’t changed a great deal. It’s still done with sewing machines. It’s still done with a light fabric.


Here you see people packing a balloon into a bag. They’re having to work quite hard to get it in there. Now, that looks like a big one - it’s quite heavy.


Anything that has a bit of bulk to it, a bit of shape, a bit of volume, we wouldn’t admit defeat on.


It’s totally different from being in an aeroplane. Flying a hot-air balloon is a kind of magical experience, but it’s hard to explain. You really have to try it.



gravity-defying 失重的

floating 漂浮的,浮动的

gliding 滑翔

volume 体积


They built the first modern air balloon this side of the Atlantic (Europe).
