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分享到: 2020-05-21 17:35:07 BBC英语教学

摘要:Record levels of microplastics discovered on the ocean seabed 研究人员发现海底微塑料含量达有史以来最高值


Record levels of microplastics discovered on the ocean seabed 研究人员发现海底微塑料含量达有史以来最高值


Record levels of microplastics discovered on the ocean seabed 研究人员发现海底微塑料含量达有史以来最高值


有关 “plastic pollution(塑料污染)” 的词汇


How many plastic particles per square metre have been discovered in the world’s oceans?


A simulation of the deep ocean. This experiment, in a large tank in a lab in the Netherlands, shows how ocean currents push mounds of sediment across the seafloor. Mixed into those mounds are millions of tiny pieces of plastic, and scientists have now measured the extent of this seabed pollution.


Prof Elda Miramontes, University of Bremen
We are all aware of all of the plastic that is floating in the ocean, but it only represents one per cent of the whole amount. The rest is somewhere in the deep sea. We found in this area the highest accumulations ever reported in the global oceans and there are 1.9 million particles, pieces, small pieces per square metre.

埃尔达·米拉蒙特斯教授 不来梅大学

Studies in 2018 by some of the same researchers revealed just how much plastic pollution was locked in UK riverbeds then flushed out to sea during floods.


These latest experiments, in the Mediterranean, extracted whole chunks of seafloor from depths of up to a kilometre. That enabled scientists to track how the currents carry plastic waste out to sea, where it breaks down. The deep currents then accumulate these millions of fragments into what researchers call microplastic hotspots.

这些最新的实验在地中海进行,科学家们从深达一公里的海底挖出了整块的海床。这使他们能够追踪洋流是怎样将塑料垃圾带到海洋中的,塑料垃圾在海洋中会分解成小碎片。这些深海洋流接着将数百万个碎片聚积到研究者们所称的 “微塑料热点地区”。

The majority of the particles they found were tiny fibres from textiles and clothing that simply slip through the filtration systems in waste water treatment plants.


Dr Ian Kane, University of Manchester
We're filling in part of the gaps in our understanding of this missing 99 per cent of plastic. There are fragile ecosystems on the seafloor which depend on the nutrients and oxygen which are being flushed by these ocean currents. These currents are transporting microplastics to the same places that these fragile ecosystems exist.

伊恩·凯恩博士 曼彻斯特大学
“我们在一定程度上填补了对下落不明的 99%的塑料认识上的空白。海底有脆弱的生态系统,它们依赖于被洋流冲走的营养物质和氧气。洋流正在把微塑料输送到这些脆弱生态系统存在的地方。”

Scientists from the British Antarctic Survey, in another study published this week, revealed that plastic pollution was reaching the shores of some of the most remote islands.


In recent years we have finally started to see the impact that our plastic waste has on the oceans. This research has started to uncover the invisible, long-term consequences.



accumulations 堆积物

flushed 被冲走

breaks down 分解

fragments 碎片,碎块

fragile 脆弱的,易受影响的


Scientists have found 1.9 million plastic particles per square metre.
