2021年高级口译练习材料 (72)

2021-09-16 15:50:00来源:网络


  Message on World Tsunami Awareness Day


  5 November 2016


  Today marks the first observance of World Tsunami Awareness Day. On this

  day, in 1854, a Japanese village leader recognized the signs of an approaching

  tsunami and improvised a remarkably effective early warning system – he set fire

  to his rice sheaves, saving the lives of the many villagers who saw the smoke

  and ran uphill to help put out the flames.


  Over the years, early warning systems have grown more sophisticated,

  particularly since the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, which claimed nearly 226,000

  lives. That tragedy prompted the introduction of the Indian Ocean Tsunami

  Warning and Mitigation System.


  In September this year, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of

  UNESCO invited disaster management officials from 24 countries around the Indian

  Ocean to participate in one of the largest tsunami simulation exercises ever

  organized. The importance of simulation exercises and evacuation drills is

  underlined in a report released today by the UN Office for Disaster Risk

  Reduction. It highlights that population growth has greatly increased exposure

  to tsunamis and other hazards in many regions.


  Since 1996, 250,900 people have died in 21 countries affected by 30

  tsunamis. Tsunamis also pose a significant threat to major infrastructure either

  already built or planned for coastal areas. The significance of this threat was

  demonstrated in March 2011 by the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, which

  claimed many lives, left many more homeless and triggered a meltdown at the

  Fukushima nuclear power plant.


  World Tsunami Awareness Day serves as a reminder of the importance of

  reducing current and future levels of risk. This should be a clear guiding

  principle for all those working in the public and private sectors who have to

  take decisions on major infrastructure projects in seismic zones and near

  exposed coastlines. Tsunamis may be rare but, like any other natural hazard, if

  we fail to prepare and raise awareness, then we risk paying a heavy price.



本文关键字: 上海高级口译
