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Tuna species on the rise but sharks and rays on the decline

分享到: 2021-10-14 16:34:23 BBC英语教学

摘要:媒体英语Tuna species on the rise but sharks and rays on the decline 自然报告:金枪鱼部分品种数量回升,鲨鱼和鳐数量下降


Tuna species on the rise but sharks and rays on the decline 自然报告:金枪鱼部分品种数量回升,鲨鱼和鳐数量下降

根据 IUCN(世界自然保护联盟)的一份最新报告,一度濒临灭绝的几种金枪鱼的数量开始回升。在法国马赛召开的 IUCN 世界自然保护大会上,该组织更新了它们的 “濒危物种红色名录”。

A decade ago, all seven types of tuna were deemed at serious risk of extinction. Thanks to strict fishing quotas, four species are now starting to bounce back in some parts of the oceans, including yellowfin, bluefin and albacore.


The Global Director of the IUCN, Dr Jane Smart, says it's a message that conservation can work. But other marine creatures such as sharks are moving ever closer to extinction. 37% of sharks and rays are now threatened from overfishing, climate change and pollution.

IUCN(世界自然保护联盟)的全球主管简·斯马特博士指出,这表明保护工作可以起作用。但与此同时,如鲨鱼等其它一些海洋生物则正进一步走向灭绝。如今37% 的鲨鱼和鳐受到过度捕捞、气候变化和污染的威胁。

And on land the world's largest lizard, the Komodo dragon, is in danger of extinction – with rising sea levels expected to shrink its habitat on a handful of Indonesian islands.



deemed 被认为
quotas 名额、配额
bounce back 回升,反弹
conservation 保护
overfishing 过度捕捞
Komodo dragon 科莫多巨蜥
handful 少数、少量


1. How many species of tuna now seem to be at less risk of extinction?

2. What other types of sea creatures are now threatened by overfishing?

3. What has helped to protect some species of tuna?

4. How are rising sea levels expected to affect the population of Komodo dragons?


1. How many species of tuna now seem to be at less risk of extinction?
Four species of tuna are now starting to bounce back.

2. What other types of sea creatures are now threatened by overfishing?
37% of sharks and rays are now threatened from overfishing, as well as climate change and pollution.

3. What has helped to protect some species of tuna?
Strict fishing quotas have allowed some tuna species to bounce back.

4. How are rising sea levels expected to affect the population of Komodo dragons?
The Komodo dragon is in danger of extinction because rising sea levels are expected to shrink its habitat on a handful of Indonesian islands.
