
2021-10-22 17:46:00来源:网络



  中国加入世贸组织       after China’s entry into/accession to the WTO

  国内生产总值         GDP(Gross Domestic Product)

  国民生产总值         GNP(Gross National Product)

  经济全球化          economic globalization

  经济体制改革         economic restructuring

  通货膨胀           inflation

  通货紧缩           deflation

  货币政策           monetary policy

  市场准入           market access

  预算             budget

  银行业            banking

  核心竞争力          core competitiveness

  贬值             depreciation

  增值             appreciation

  流通             circulation/distribution

  多元化            diversification

  萧条             depression

  经济回报           economic returns

  技术、劳动、资本知识     technology-intensive/labor-intensive/capital-intensive

  密集型产业          knowledge-intensive industries

  向市场经济转轨        switch to a market economy

  恶性循环           vicious cycle/circle

  良性循环           beneficent/virtuous cycle

  经济技术开发区        an economic and technological development zone

  经济特区           a special economic zone

  刺激内需           stimulate domestic demand

  兼并破产           merger and bankruptcy

  股份制            the joint stock system

  经济可持续发展        sustained economic growth

  泡沫经济           bubble economy

  总裁             president

  优惠券            coupon

  物价指数           price index

  外汇储备           foreign exchange reserve

  黄金储备           gold reserve

  融资             financing

  发行股票、债券        issue shares and bonds

  本金与利息          principal and interest

  商业银行           commercial bank

  财政收入           fiscal revenue

  金融危机           financial crisis

  个人所得税          individual income tax

  关税             tariff

  证券交易所          securities exchange

  股市             stock market

  期货市场           futures market

  反倾销            anti-dumping

  补贴             subsidies

  欧元、欧元区         Euro/Euroland

  流动资金           circulating funds

  有价证券           portfolio

  股票指数           stock index

  上市公司           listed company

  牛市、熊市          a bull/bear market

  股民,股东          shareholder/stockholder

  纳斯达克指数         the NASDAQ index(National Association of Securities

  Deal Automated Quotations)

  国库券            state treasury bonds

  市场疲软           a slack/sluggish/sagging/inactive market

  招商             invite/attract investment

  贸易顺差、逆差        trade surplus/deficit

  贸易伙伴           trade partner

  关税壁垒           tariff wall/customs barrier

  基础设施           infrastructure

  投资热点           a hot destination for investment

  年营业额           annual business volume(turnover)

  双赢             a win-win situation

  改善出口商品结构       improve the export product mix

  双边、多边贸易谈判      bilateral/multi-lateral trade negotiation

  贸易自由化          trade liberalization

  保税区            bonded area/free trade zone

  最惠国待遇          MFN(most favored nation)treatment

  销售网点           sales outlets

  独家经销代理         exclusive selling agency

  专卖店            exclusive agency/franchised store

  分期付款           installment payment

  回扣             kickback(sales commission)

  直销             direct sale

  贴现率            discount rate

  经济弊病           economic ills

  传统产业           conventional industries

  相对优势           comparative advantage

  商业条款           commerce clause

  注册会计师          certificated public accountant(CPA)

  定金、存储          deposit

  管理知识           managerial expertise

  有效需求           effective demand

  公平竞争           fair competition

  跨国公司           transnational/international corporation

  外资企业           foreign-funded enterprise

  团队精神           team spirit

  企业转型           transformation

  注册资本           registered capital

  新兴市场           emerging market

  创业精神           enterprising spirit/pioneering spirit


本文关键字: 上海高级口译
