
2021-10-24 17:47:00来源:网络


  一、 高频词汇、短语

  民间艺术         folk arts

  高雅艺术         refined art

  戏剧艺术         theatrical art

  电影艺术         cinematographic art

  爱国主义精神       patriotism

  文化产业         culture industry

  文化事业         cultural undertaking

  文化交流         cross-cultural communication

  文化冲突         culture shock

  乡村文化         rural culture

  民族文化         national culture

  表演艺术         performing art

  文化底蕴         cultural deposit

  华夏祖先         the Chinese ancestors

  同宗同源         of the same origin

  中国文学         Chinese literature

  中国武术         Chinese martial art/Kung Fu

  中国书法         Chinese calligraphy

  哲学家          philosopher

  四大发明         the four great inventions of ancient China

  火药           gunpowder

  造纸术          paper-making

  印刷术          printing

  指南针          the compass

  四书           the Four Books

  大学           the Great Learning

  中庸           the Doctrine of the Mean

  论语           the Analects of Confucius

  孟子           the Mencius

  孔子           Confucius

  孟子           Mencius

  老子           Lao Tzu

  庄子           Chuang Tzu

  墨子           Mo Tzu

  孙子           Sun Tzu

  中国画          traditional Chinese painting

  水墨画          Chinese brush painting; ink and wash painting

  武术门派         styles or schools of martial art

  习武健身         practice martial art for fitness

  古代格斗术        ancient form of combat

  武林高手         top martial artist

  气功           Qigong; deep breathing exercises

  空手道          karate

  拳击           boxing

  击剑           fencing

  跆拳道          tae kwon do

  柔道           judo

  中国武术协会       Chinese Martial Art Association

  武侠小说         tales of roving knights/kung fu novels

  汉学家          sinologist

  偏旁部首         radical

  笔画           stroke

  中国热          Sinomania

  汉语的四声调       the four tones of Chinese characters

  平声           level tone

  上声           rising tone

  仄声           falling-rising tone

  去声           falling tone

  孙子兵法         the Art of War

  西游记          Journey to the West; Pilgrimage to the West

  三国演义         Romance of Three Kingdoms

  红楼梦          Dreams of the Red Mansions

  水浒传          Heroes of the Marshes; Tales of the Water Margin

  资治通鉴         History as a Mirror

  春秋           the Spring and Autumn Annals

  史记           Historical Records

  诗经           the Book of Songs; the Book of Odes

  书经           the Book of History

  易经           I Ching; the Book of Changes

  礼记           the Book of Rites


本文关键字: 上海高级口译
