
2022-01-14 09:52:00来源:网络









  Song of the Bronze Statue


  In the eighth month of the firstyear of the Qinglong era, during the reign of Emperor Ming of Wei, the courtordered a palace officer to ride west and bring back the gilded bronze figureof an immortal holding a disc to catch dew made during the reign of Emperor Wuof Han, in order to set it up in the front court. When the palace officerremoved the disc and took the statue to his carriage, the bronze figure shedtears. So Li Changji, descended from a prince of the House of Tang, wrote thissong.

  Gonethat emperor of Maoling,

  Riderthrough the autumn wind,

  Whosehorse neighs at night

  Andhas passed without trace by dawn.

  Thefragrance of autumn lingers still

  Onthose cassia trees by painted galleries,

  Buton every palace hall the green moss grows.

  AsWei’s envoy sets out to drive a thousand li

  Thekeen wind at the East Gate stings the statue’s eyes…

  Fromthe ruined palace he brings nothing forth

  Butthe moon-shaped disc of Han,

  Trueto his lord, he sheds leaden tears,

  Andwithered orchids by the Xianyang Road

  Seethe traveler on his way.

  Ah,if Heaven had a feeling heart, it too must grow old!

  Hebears the disc off alone

  Bythe light of a desolate moon,

  Thetown far behind him, muted its lapping waves.

  (中国文学出版社 译)

  The Song of the Bronze ImmortalStatue Leaving the Former Capital (with the author’s preface)


  In August of the first year inthe rein of Emperor Ming of Wei Dynasty, some eunuchs were ordered to have thegreat Bronze Immortal Statue with a plate collecting dewdrops shifted to thenew capital city of Luoyang, and set it up in front of the new palace. Thestatue had been built by Emperor Han Wu (156-87BC) of Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD).When the plate for collecting dewdrops was taken down from the statue for transportation,the statue was said to shed tears. Li He, a prince’s descendant, sighed over itand wrote the following poem.

  CouldEmperor Han Wu 1 chant his Ode to Autumn Wind in his resting place?

  Horsesneighed at night, whereas they at dawn left no trace.

  Osmanthusby the painted railings filled the air with fragrance;

  Regrettablethat everywhere in the former palace moss grew in luxuriance.

  Now,the eunuchs were to take the bronze statue a thousand miles away;

  Atthe east gate, the bronze statue felt sad, and wept as people would say.

  Seeinghim off the palace gate was the moon alone, faithful as ever;

  Intears the immortal recalled the late emperor’s 2 longevity endeavor.

  Alongthe road outside the deserted capital 3, wilted orchids seemedreluctant to part;

  Heavenwould pass from youth to age, had it sentiments in heart.

  Butthe statue was too heavy to carry, only the plate moved on, in bleak moonlight;

  Asthe roaring Weihe River 4 faded away, the former capital was out ofsight.

  1.Emperor’s Ming of Wei Dynasty refers to Cao Rui (205-239AD), grandson of CaoCao (155-220AD).

  2.The late emperor refers to Emperor Han Wu (156BC-87BC).

  3.The deserted capital refers to Xianyang, today’s Xi’an.

  4.The Weihe River is the longest branch of the Yellow River. It flows acrossShanxi Province.

  (卢炳群 译)


本文关键字: 上海高级口译
