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Robotic surgery 机器人协助外科手术

分享到: 2022-01-17 15:53:45 BBC英语教学

摘要:英语大破解Robotic surgery 机器人协助外科手术Play video file(本节目中的视频资源于2021年12月拍摄。)本集内容Robotic surgery


Robotic surgery 机器人协助外科手术



Robotic surgery 机器人协助外科手术


有关 “surgery(外科手术)” 的词汇


What has happened to Naseer’s cancer?


Naseer was diagnosed with prostate cancer earlier this year.


Naseer Jadalizadeh
I wanted it to get rid of it, and that is the basis of how the operation came to be.


He was asked if he wanted to be the first person in the UK to have his prostate gland removed by a new robotic system.


Naseer Jadalizadeh
It’s nice to be part of something new within the medical field that in future may contribute a lot of effectiveness, a lot of service to the community. And therefore, I had no doubt about it.


Using 3D HD cameras and remote arms a few metres away from the patient, surgeons at Guy’s and St Thomas’ [hospital in London] control robotic arms in order to carry out complicated operations.


Ben Challacombe, Consultant Urologist, Guy’s and St Thomas’
In five or ten years’ time, most keyhole surgery in this country is going to be done with robotic assistance, and it’s been a slow growth over the last ten years or so, but we are now at the stage where it’s so… these robots are so adaptable, they can help with so many different types of operations.

本·夏拉克姆 伦敦盖伊和圣托马斯医院泌尿科顾问医生
“在五到十年的时间里,英国大多数 “锁孔” 手术都将在机器人的协助下完成,虽然这种技术在过去十年里的发展缓慢,但如今,这些机器人的适应能力很强,可以协助进行许多不同类型的手术。”

Frankie McCamley, BBC correspondent
How have the patients so far responded?

弗兰基·麦卡姆利 BBC通讯员

Ben Challacombe
The patients have been fantastic. I mean, they’ve been very positive and thankfully, the results so far have been good.

本·夏拉克姆 伦敦盖伊和圣托马斯医院泌尿科顾问医生

In Naseer’s case his results were everything he and his family hoped for. He’s now cancer free and making every day count.



operation 手术

medical field 医学领域

patient 病人,患者

surgeons 外科医生

keyhole surgery 腹腔镜手术,又称 “锁孔” 手术


It has disappeared – he is now cancer free.
