2 你耳朵里有没有一些分泌物流出?
Are there any secretions flowing out of your ears?
3 您对别的什么东西过敏吗?
Are you sensitive to other things?
4 您得了鼻炎。
You have rhinitis.
5 您得了鼻窦炎。
You have sinusitis.
6 我给您一种鼻塞专用药。
I give you a nasal decongestion.
7 我会给您做几个疗程的脱敏治疗。
I’ll give you some courses of desensitization therapy.
8 您的喉咙发炎了。
You have inflammation in your throat.
9 咽东西时这儿疼吗?
Does it hurt here when you swallow food.
10 您扁桃体发炎了。
You've got tonsillitis.
A:I often sneeze after having a bad itch inside my nose. Sometimes this is accompanied by an itching throat.
B:Any other discomfort?
A:Yes.Sometimes I can notice a constirction in the chest and shortness of breath after a fit of sneezing. And I often suffer from a running nose with a profuse watery discharge.
B:Does it occur seasonally or all year round?
A:It has been seasonla during these past three years.
B:Are you senstive to other things?
A:Yes, things like seafood and penicillin-type drugs.
B:OK.Let me examine your nose. According to your case histor and the examination, I believe that it's allergic rhinitis.
A:What useful tratment can you offer?
B:I'll give ou a series of specific skin tests. Then we'll know exactly what substances you're allergic to. Then I'll give you some couses of desensitizaiton therapy.
本文关键字: 365天职场英语口语
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时长 : 17:20 主讲 : 郭宁
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时长 : 9:48 主讲 : 郭宁
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见到你很高兴 how nice to meet you 能与您结识我真的很高兴 I am very pleased to make your accquitance 久仰大名 I h
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好的。OK 当然愿意啦。 You bet, 就这么定了。 Thats sattle then 太好了,我很愿意。 Great! I d love that 听上去不错, T
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1 你想加入我们吗? Would you like to join us? 2 你有时间吗? Do you have time? 3 去参加聚会好吗? What about going
来源 : 网络 2022-02-21 18:55:00 关键字 : 365天职场英语口语