
2022-02-20 18:55:00来源:网络

1 我很想去,但我不能

I 'd love to , but I can't.

2 谢谢, 但不巧的是我已经有计划了

Thanks, but unfortunately I already have plans.

3 我希望我能去,但我那天还有个会议

I wish i could , but I will have a conference that day.

4 你真好,但我周五有个约会

It's very kind of you, but I have an appointment on Friday.

5 我已经答应今晚去见詹妮弗了, 不过还是要谢谢你。

I have already promised to meet Jannifer this evening, but thank you all the same

6 谢谢你邀请我,不过我实在是太累了。

Thank you very much for asking me, but I feel rather tired.

7 虽然我很想去 但恐怕下星期天我没空

Much as I should like to , I am afraid I won't be free next sunday.

8 我一整天都会很忙

I will be busy all day long.

9 我得加班

I have to work overtime.

A: Jane, I was wondering if you you had any plans for saturday afternoon.

B : A friend and I are planing to go out, why ? what's up?

A: There is a special exhibition of french sculptures at the museum, I was hoping you 'd like to come with me

B : I am afraid I can't I am going to be out all day.

A: What about sunday ?

B: i wish i could, but it's my mums birthday.

A: Mayne next week.

B:Much as I 'd like to, I am afraid i wont be free next week, I have a lot of work.

A: Sorry to hear that, I was really looking forward to spending some more time with you , I really enjoyed our last chat.

B: I am really sorry too, maybe I can give you a call sometime.

本文关键字: 365天职场英语口语
