2022年上海高级口译必备练习题 (18)

2022-04-24 20:22:00来源:网络

2022年上海高级口译必备练习题 (18)

  上海高级口译相对来说难度更大,对于基础和中级口译来说,上海高级口译考察大家英语知识点会更广泛。这对于大家来说是备考的难点。那么在实际的备考中,这部分内容应该如何进行积累学习呢?下面小编为大家整理了“2022年上海高级口译必备练习题 (18)”,让我们一起来看看吧!

  In 1965, America’s big companies had a hell of ayear. The stock market was

  booming. Sales wererising briskly, profit margins were fat, and corporateprofits

  as a percentage of G.D.P. were at an all-timehigh. Almost half a century later,

  some things lookmuch the same: big American companies have had ahell of a year,

  with the stock market soaring,margins strong, and profits hitting a new

  all-timehigh. But there’s one very noticeable difference. In1965, C.E.O.s at big

  companies earned, on average,about twenty times as much as their

  typicalemployee. These days, C.E.O.s earn about two hundred and seventy times as


  从第二段开头的the huge gap可以看出第一段讲的是两种经济状况之间的差距。这里也正好是第一题的定位:The author makes a

  comparison between today’s America with that of


  That huge gap between the top and the middle is the result of a boom in

  executivecompensation, which rose eight hundred and seventy-six per cent between

  1978 and 2011,according to a study by the liberal Economic Policy Institute. In

  response, we’ve had a host ofregulatory reforms designed to curb executive pay.

  The latest of these is a rule, unveiled bythe S.E.C. last month, requiring

  companies to disclose the ratio of the C.E.O.’s pay to that ofthe median worker.

  The idea is that, once the disparity is made public, companies will be

  lesslikely to award outsized pay packages.

  Faith in disclosure has been crucial to the regulation of executive pay

  since the nineteen-thirties, when companies were first required to reveal those

  figures. More recently, rules havemade companies detail the size and the

  structure of compensation packages and haveenforced transparency about the kinds

  of comparisons they rely on to determine salaries.The business press, meanwhile,

  now rigorously tracks executive pay. The result is thatshareholders today know

  far more about C.E.O. compensation than ever before. There’s onlyone problem:

  even as companies are disclosing more and more, executive pay keeps going upand


  这一段开头黑体部分为我们提示了一个关键字:disclosure. 由此可以看出本文的话题是从收入差距说开去,转向CEO的收入披露机制。

  This isn’t a coincidence: the drive for transparency has actually helped

  fuel the spirallingsalaries. For one thing, it gives executives a good idea of

  how much they can get away withasking for. A more crucial reason, though, has to

  do with the way boards of directors setsalaries. As the corporate-governance

  experts Charles Elson and Craig Ferrere write in a recentpaper, boards at most

  companies use what’s called “peer benchmarking.” They look at theC.E.O. salaries

  at peer-group firms, and then peg their C.E.O.’s pay to the fiftieth,

  seventy-fifth, or ninetieth percentile of the peer group—never lower. This leads

  to the so-called LakeWobegon effect: every C.E.O. gets treated as above average.

  With all the other companiesfollowing the same process, salaries ratchet

  inexorably higher. “Relying on peer-groupcomparisons, the way boards do,

  mathematically guarantees that pay is going to go up,” Elsontold me.


  On top of this, peer-group comparisons aren’t always honest: boards can be

  too cozy withC.E.O.s and may tweak the comparisons to justify overpaying. A

  recent study by the laboreconomist Ron Laschever shows that boards tend to

  include as peers companies that arebigger than they are and that pay their

  C.E.O.s more. The system is also skewed by so-called“leapfroggers,” the few

  C.E.O.s in a given year who, whether by innate brilliance or by dumbluck, end up

  earning astronomical salaries. Those big paydays reset the baseline

  expectationsfor everyone else.


  This isn’t just an American problem. Elson notes that, when Canada

  toughened its disclosurerequirements, executive salaries there rose sharply, and

  German studies have foundsomething similar. Nor is it primarily a case of boards

  being helplessly in thrall to a company’sexecutives. Boards are far more

  independent of management than they used to be, and it’snotable that a C.E.O.

  hired from outside a company—who therefore has no influence over

  theboard—typically gets twenty to twenty-five per cent more than an inside

  candidate. The realissues are subtler, though no less insidious. Some boards, in

  the face of much evidence tothe contrary, remain convinced of what Elson calls

  “superstar theory”: they think that C.E.O.scan work their magic anywhere, and

  must be overpaid to stay. In addition, Elson said, “if youpay below average, it

  makes it look as if you’d hired a below-average C.E.O., and what boardwants



  Transparent pricing has perverse effects in other fields. In a host of

  recent cases, publicdisclosure of the prices that hospitals charge for various

  procedures has ended up drivingprices up rather than down. And the psychological

  causes in both situations seem similar. Wetend to be uneasy about bargaining in

  situations where the stakes are very high: do you wantthe guy doing your

  neurosurgery, or running your company, to be offering discounts? Better,in the

  event that something goes wrong, to be able to tell yourself that you spent all

  you could.And overspending is always easier when you’re spending someone else’s

  money. Corporateboard members are disbursing shareholder funds; most patients

  have insurance to foot thebill.


  Sunlight is supposed to be the best disinfectant. But there’s something

  na?ve about the newS.E.C. rule, which presumes that full disclosure will

  embarrass companies enough to restrainexecutive pay. As Elson told me, “People

  who can ask to be paid a hundred million dollars arebeyond embarrassment.” More

  important, as long as the system for setting pay is broken,more disclosure makes

  things worse instead of better. We don’t need more information. Weneed boards of

  directors to step up and set pay themselves, instead of outsourcing the job

  totheir peers. The rest of us don’t get to live in Lake Wobegon. C.E.O.s

  shouldn’t, either.


  以上就是为大家整理的“2022年上海高级口译必备练习题 (18)”,希望大家能够更好的学习上海高级口译,取得理想的成绩。

本文关键字: 上海高级口译



