一天, 司务长布置任务——全体打柴去!
The Trees Closest to the Sun
Thirty years agoI served in the army in Ali, Tibet.
With an averageelevation of 5000 meters, this area is known as the Third Pole of the earth.Here, ice-covered peaks rise like forests above a vast stretch of deserted snowfields. Either blessed by God or spared by Nature, clusters of Chinese tamarisktrees had impossibly managed to survive in the folds of the valley, their stemsand branches having the color of rusty iron and their leaves spreading out likesoft feathers. Occasionally they produce dense tiny flowers crowded into theshape of rice ears, beaming in spite of the heat and thin air on the plateau.Symbolizing the spirit of the plateau, they are the closest to the sun of allgreen tree species. It takes a whole century for them to grow into a smallcluster. Riding on my horse through the grayish tamarisk trees on mymedical-service rounds, I was even convinced that they would exist as long asthe snow-covered plateau itself.
One day, ourcompany quartermaster ordered all of us to go to cut firewood.
At first Ithought I’d misheard him. Where on this plateau could we find firewood?
The answer wasthat we would drive a hundred kilometers to some tamarisk trees, dig them outand carry them back as kitchen fuel.
I was shocked, “Aren’twe going to kill off the only trees on the plateau?”
The quartermasterretorted, “You need to eat, right? Food needs to be cooked, right? To cook weneed firewood, and the only firewood is tamarisk, OK?”
I said, “Tamarisktrees are not firewood. They are living. They have a life. We can use gasolineor coke. Why do we have to wipe out the only green color from the plateau?”
He explained, “Tohaul a truckload of oil up to our place, we burn two truckloads of oil on theroad; for a jin of coke, we pay theprice of 6 jin of wheat flour; andtamarisk is free of charge. You do the math!”
The soldierstook up their spades, picks and axes, and a large tamarisk-digging contingentset out.
Tamarisksusually grow on sand dunes. On top of a solid sand dune there may stand a proudtamarisk tree, whose roots, like the many tentacles of an octopus, extend allthe way to the indented edges of the dune.
I wonder why thetamarisk trees do not grow on the leeward side of the dunes to avoid the manysetbacks of life. A veteran soldier said I put the cart before the horse. It isnot that the trees choose to grow on top of dunes, but that the trees fix thesand to cause a build-up of dunes. With the growth of the trees more driftingsand is fixed, and finally a big sand dune is formed. The wider their rootsspread, the bigger the dune can be.
Ah, the tamarisktree is just like an iceberg. Above the sand we see only one tenth of it whilea mammoth amount of strength lies underneath.
The branches andleaves of tamarisk do not make good firewood, while its roots are strong andtenacious, and can join sand grains, into a cohesive whole as hard as concrete.When lit up, they burn steadily to produce a huge amount of energy, as ifreleasing in an eruptive manner all the radiation they’ve exacted from the sunover the past millennia. Even in the burning flames, the blocks of roots, likedauntless heroic spirits, still manage to stay in their intertwined shapes.
To dig out theroots called for a terrifying amount of work. The tamarisk trees and the landhad long formed an inextricable relationship. We had to spend days scoopingmost of the sand out of a dune, thus leaving the dinosaur-skeleton frame of thetree standing there with its bare roots over the open wilderness. Then men ofHerculean strength were summoned. Wielding sharp axes they hacked continuouslyat the roots, a living tree-root sculpture, until these last links with theearth were severed and the whole tree toppled down.
The year passed.All the tamarisk trees in sight were dug out except those most aged ones.
The digging jobtook ever longer, for even the strongest men were no match for the unyieldingstems and roots. So we resorted to a modern technique – break them withexplosives!
A tunnel was dugto the root area. Having put the explosives in place, we ignited the long fuseand lay down at a safe distance. After a moment of dead silence, there was aloud bang. Even the most weather-beaten tree would be blown up into the sky andfall down in pieces.
We camped out inthe open. We saw on some sand dunes large hollows, left by the sand-fixingtamarisk trees which had been pulled out the previous year. The gaping holeslooked like the eyeless sockets of a wounded face staring angrily at the sky.However, this heart-rending scene would not last long: two years later even thedunes themselves would disappear. It is as if there never had been a tree thathad survived the hardships over thousands of years and fixed a large heap ofsand.
I was told bysomeone who had recently been to Ali that the tamarisk trees are no longer tobe found there, their stems, roots, leaves and everything of them have vanishedin fire and smoke.
Sometimes in thedepth of night the images of the aboriginal inhabitants of the highlands wouldpop into my head: where in the clouds are their spirits anchored now? I alsothink of the sand dunes once fixed firmly by the trees: have they been blown toall corners of the world? Indeed, the sand grains on our roofs can be carriedfar and wide on the wind.
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