Jia Tianshan
Till Today, I still rememberclearly what I learned from Father’s instructing me to practice calligraphy, tobe reasonable and to be aspirational, and his sending me to school. It wasFather’s instruction and deeds that gave me a happy childhood and healthygrowth and equipped me with self-confidence, self-support, andself-determination.
What Father did was worth lookingup to with respect. Father was an honest, tolerant and industrious man and wascounted upon as the backbone of our family. In the 1950s my grandfather’shealth collapse and my eldest uncle’s early demise resulted in our financialhardship. Our family had an unprecedented hart time. Father had to support afamily of ten, including my old grandparents, my youngest bachelor uncle, myeldest uncle’s daughter, and my brothers and sister. In those days when seriousnatural disasters prevailed, insufficiency of food was the biggest problem tous. Father had to look after the whole family, and give attention to severalthings at a time. Whenever there was food and clothing available, Father wouldthink of my uncle’s underage daughter first before his own children. In spiteof great difficulties, Father managed to have my youngest uncle married. Fatherwas always ready to give a hand to whoever was in need in our family.
Father was a man who never failedto should his responsibilities and keep faith. My elder brother told him thatmy eldest uncle had borrowed 300 yuan from someone else in the neighboringvillage before he died. Later, the owner came to our home for the money, andFather promised to pay him back in ten days. But nine days passed before fathercould get the money. Then he had no choice but to make up his mind to sell ourown bullock which we used for farm work and milling, and paid off the debt. Fora long time afterwards, Father did the milling all by himself manually. Heoften said to us, “When you make a promise, you should keep it. If you cannotkeep faith, nobody dares to deal with you.”
Father was a man who sufferedmany misfortunes and remained firm and tenacious. At the age of twenty, he waspress-ganged and experienced a hail of bullets in many battles. Afterliberation, he was once criticized and denounced for that unjustly. Father gotmarried twice, and his ex-wife died early and left him a son, which was a heavyblow to him. In his 30s, he initiated with others the construction of thestate-run coal mines at Huangtupo, Laohugou and Mapiwa of our county, andworked as the general manager. He made great achievements in his work but alsoreceived the utmost ill-treatment. However, all these sufferings didn’t resultin depression but gave him greater toughness and tenacity. He shouldered theburden and pressure silently, and no smile was ever seen on his face. Whatimpressed us most was his industriousness.
(刘连章 & Norman A.Pritchard 译)
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