A River-long Love
Ilive at the upper end of the river,
Andat the lower end live you;
Everyday I long to see you but cannot,
Thoughfrom the same river we drink.
Whenwill the river go dry?
Whencan my sorrow come to an end?
Onlymay your heart be like mine,
Mylove for you will not be in vain.
(初大告 译)
Ilive by the Yangzi River near its source,
Whileyou reside farthest down its course.
Youand I drink water out of the same stream.
Ihaven’t seen you, though daily of you I dream.
Whenwill this river water cease to run?
Whenshall I not love you, the way I do?
Ionly wish our two hearts would beat as one;
Youwouldn’t disappoint me in my love for you.
(徐忠杰 译)
Song of Divination
Ilive upstream and you downstream.
Fromnight to night of you I dream.
Unlikethe stream you’re not in view,
Thoughwe both drink from River Blue.
Wherewill the water no more flow?
Whenwill my grief no longer grow?
Iwish your heart would be like mine,
Thennot in vain for you I pine.
(许渊冲 译)
Key: Pu Suan Tzǔ
Idwell near the source of the Yangtze River,
Andyou are living by its estuary.
Althoughwe are drinking the same water,
Unableto see you, I yearn for you every day.
Whenwill this river stop rushing?
Whenshall my sorrow be all over?
“Bethy heart same as mine”, I’ll keep on wishing,
Then,verily, you’ll be my worthy lover.
(王季真 译)
Bu Suan Zi
LiZhi Yi
Ilive by the head of the Long River.
You,my love, at its end.
Ithink of you day and night but cannot see you,
Yeton the same drinking source we depend.
Whenwill the water stop flowing?
Whenwill I cease to be longing?
Ionly wish your heart would be like mine:
Returningall my loving thoughts with thine.
(龚景浩 译)
Ilive at the Yangtze River’s source,
Whileyou dwell at the end of its course.
Nightand day to no avail of you I think,
Thoughthe same river water we drink.
Whenwould the water cease to flow?
Whenwould end my heart-rending woe?
Beyour heart as steadfast as mine,
I’lllove you still if I had lives nine.
(陈君朴、冯修文 译)
To the Melody
Ilive in the Yangtze River’s original,
Youlive in the Yangtze River’s tail.
Dayby day, I’m too lovesick to see you,
Wedrink the same river water, though.
Whento stop flowing is the river?
Whenmy lovesickness will be over?
Iwish your heart to be like my heart,
Iwill never live up you to be apart.
(朱曼华 译)
Pouring out My Heart
Ilive in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River,
Whileyou live in the lower reaches of the river.
Everyday I think of you,
ButI can’t see you, although we drink water of the same river.
Whenthe water will cease to flow?
Whenmy longing will end, you know?
Ionly wish your heart is as devoted as mine,
Thenyou will not be unworthy of my heart’s glow.
(张炳星 译)
Drink from the Same River
(Tothe Tune of Busuanzi)
Ilive at the upper end of the Yangtze River.
Youlive at the low end of the Yangtze River.
Imiss you, day in, day out.
Wedrink from the same river.
Whenwill the water stop flowing?
Whenwill the pain cease hurting?
Ifonly your heart is like mine,
there’sno letting each other down!
(裘小龙 译)
To the Tune Fortune Telling
Ilive up the long, long river’s tail.
Andyou, by its mouth, so far away.
Thoughdaily I’m longing, no chance again with you to meet!
Yourdrinking as well as I from the selfsame river great.
Owhen will the waters cease to flow?
Andwhen will my languishing heart be consoled?
Ifonly your feelings were as warm as mine,
Repaymentfrom me you’d be sure to divine!
(刘国善、王治江、徐树娟等 译)
P’u – Pu Suan Tzu
To the Tune-Title “TheFortune-Teller”
Ilive at the head of the Great River,
Youlive at the Great River’s tail.
DailyI think of you; though I don’t see you
Bothof us drink from the Great River.
Whenwill these waters fail?
Whenwill these longings end?
Ihave one wish; that your heart and my heart
Staytrue to love’s bond.
(Alan Ayling & Duncan Mackintosh译)
Tune: “The Diviner”
Ilive at the head of the Long River,
Youlive along its lower reaches;
Dayafter day I think of you but cannot see you,
Yetwe both drink the waters of the Long River.
Whenwill these waters ever cease?
Whenwill this yearning ever end?
Iwish only that your heart will be like my heart,
Andthat you will never repudiate our mutual affection.
(Victor H. Mair 译)
Tune: “Bu Suan Zi”
I Live by the River’s Head
Ilive by the Long River’s head,
youits end.
Imiss you day after day,
asyou are far away.
Fromthis very river,
weboth drink the same water.
Whenwill the river cease to flow?
Whenwill my grief no longer grow?
Ican only wish that your heart is like mine.
Thenour mutual love will never die.
(Edward C. Chang 译)
本文关键字: 上海高级口译
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
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时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
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2022年上海高级口译汉译英训练(15) 上海高级口译相对来说难度更大,对于基础和中级口译来说,上海高级口译考察大家英语知识点会更广泛。
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