TheJapanese Shame Culture
Lin Wei
It is said that the Japanese aregood at putting themselves in others’ shoes, caring very much about how otherpeople view them. When I was in Japan, a friend of mine came to us after work,chatting and dawdling away his time. When asked why he was reluctant to go homeearlier, he said he didn’t want rumoring by his neighbors that he was an earlyhome-comer or a lazy worker.
Since ancient times, “name” and “shame”have been stable rules of behavior in Japanese society, regulatingprincipal-subordinate relations in terms of maintaining “face”. After losingface from humiliation, mistreatment or being dumped by a lover, one shouldfight to regain it at all costs.
The super-sensibility of “name”and “shame” characterizes Japanese thinking, with Japanese culture paying farmore attention to peripheral human relations than self-consciousness. In thissense, it is a sensitive culture.
Christian culture in the West isdeemed to be a guilt culture based on a person’s internal moral standard; whilecollectivist culture in Japan is a shame culture which relies on externalsanction. Once the pressure of this sanction is gone, such as during a journey,a Japanese may behave like a totally different person.
While guilt may be redeemed byrepentance, shame can only be increased by admission, as a Japanese sayinggoes, “haji no uwanuri” (confession increases shame). It is therefore notsurprising to see a phenomenon in Japan where a Japanese may constantlyapologize to you when nothing happens (such as he didn’t step on your toe), butonce he did make a mistake, he might just quietly turn away due to shame.
Japanese are usually consideredto be highly sensitive to shame, such as in ladies toilets where a piece ofriver-flowing music is gently played to avoid embarrassment since male’surinals are normally nearby in the same toilet. However, in contrast, Japanesefamily members of three generations, including males and females, can bathtogether. The practice that the Japanese take for granted as an intimate familyroutine may embarrass Chinese and other nations’ families.
However, dividing cultures of theworld into a dichotomy of “shame culture” and “guilt culture” is a bitover-simplified. In fact, the two cultures overlap, but each has its dominantfeature.
(林巍 译)
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