Chen Zhihong
A friend of mine met with goodfortunes in quick succession after he was signed as a writer with The Readers, a highly popular magazinein China. He was admitted, first of all, into the provincial Writers’Association. And then, a cashier as he had been, he was offered a position toteach in an institute of literature. That year he was only 28 years old, buthad already published literary works of about 600,000 Chinese characters.
Many students were filled withadmiration for his achievement. Quite a few literature fans went to him foradvice. “Sir, would you share with us your secret for writing so successfully?”
He relied candidly, “Yes. Justone word – passion.” “Then, how much passion do we need if we want to write aswell as you do?” they pressed him. “One foot deep,” answered my friend.
One-foot-deep passion? Aperplexed look appeared on their faces. My friend took them home and fetchedout a bundle of used writing paper from under his bed: all the sheets werefilled with small and closely-written characters. Those were his rejectedmanuscripts, a good foot in thickness.
“If you want to achieve somethingin writing, you must maintain a passion that’s one foot deep. In other words,you should keep on writing until your rejected manuscripts accumulate to onefoot thick. During this period, you must not become impatient or sink intodespair. Only with expectation and passion can you have confidence and hope forthe future,” he told his students.
Enlightened by his words, thestudents came to realize that success in writing is not something easy to comeby. On the contrary, it requires painstaking efforts. They looked enthusiasticand eager to have a try right away.
But my friend continued, “Thereis one thing you must bear in mind: The passion can only be one foot deep! Ifafter practicing countless times and your writing still remains at the level ofa high school student, you might as well try something else, lest you get intoa blind alley. Any further attempt will just mean a waste of your time andtalent.”
Indeed, whatever we do, we shoulddo it with deep, persevering passion. However, if our exertion has proved to befruitless, we should quit as soon as possible and try something different whilewe are young. Success may be at the corner just when we switch over to a newdirection.
(孟庆升 译)
本文关键字: 上海高级口译
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