DaoInhabits People’s Hearts
Huang Huikang
On July 12, the award on the SouthChina Sea arbitration came out. This political anti-China farce in the disguiseof law, manipulated by the US, and acted by the former Philippine Government,eventually comes to an awful end. This award caused a storm of questions andnegative comments in the international community. A lot of professionals areshocked, not to speak of how ridiculous it is to define Taiping Island as a “reef”.As Professor Tom Zwart from the Netherlands said, “In the region (East Asia)the award will be widely regarded as the fruit of a poisonous tree, and it willfail, therefore, to garner the necessary support.” Abraham Sofaer, former legaladvisor to the US State Department, also pointed out that the arbitration hadbrought a lot of difficulties and anxiety, which were not good for any parties.
The US attempted to smear and “isolate”China with the arbitration, but unexpectedly received little response. China’sposition of non-acceptance of and non-participation in the arbitration has wonmore and more support. Even the Philippine people realized that the arbitrationis a total conspiracy of the US for its own agenda. This proves again the oldsaying, “a just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust cause findslittle support.”
Dao, a combined concept offairness, justice, rule, trend and direction derived from ancient Chinesephilosophy, inhabits people’s hearts.
The Dao of the present world lies in peace, development and win-wincooperation, and the Dao of solvinginternational disputes lies in fair, lawful and peaceful solution. On thepremise of peaceful settlement, international law provides the right of everystate to choose the means of dispute settlement, which should be based onconsent, used in good faith and in the spirit of cooperation. China persistsunswervingly in pursuing an independent foreign policy of peace, advocates theawareness about human common destiny, opposes to Cold War mindset and zero-sumgames, and opposes to bullying of the weak by the strong. China will never seekhegemony or engage in expansion. With regard to territorial issues and maritimedelimitation disputes, China adheres to settlement through amicable consultationand negotiation by directly concerned countries, and does not accept any meansof third party dispute settlement or any solution imposed on it.
The violation of Dao by the US lies in its “imperialistmindset” and pursuit of hegemony. After World War II, the US global strategyhas always been seeking the “leadership of the world”. In 2009, the Obamaadministration launched the Asia PacificRebalance Strategy, and took the South China Sea issue as the pivot tomaintain its regional hegemony and achieve strategic containment of China. Itis obvious that during the whole process of the arbitration unilaterallyinitiated and pushed by the Aquino III administration, the US has deeplyinvolved in every step. Although alleging “neutrality and non-involvement”, theUS manipulated behind the scene, and tried to forge a “coalition” to hype upthe issue, resulting in rise of tension in the South China Sea.
The US always regards itself as “judgeof the world”, but history and reality have repeatedly shown that the US hasalways adopted double-standards. In the eyes of the US, international law isonly applicable to other countries rather than itself. It only applies the lawwhen it is consistent with its own interest and resolutely abandons itotherwise. For instance, while advocating “the rule of law on the sea”, it hasnot acceded to the United NationsConvention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). While insisting that China mustaccept the arbitration award, it chooses to forget the Nicaragua case in whichit not only withdrew from the proceedings, refused to implement the ruling, butalso revoked the declaration of accepting the compulsory jurisdiction by theInternational Court of Justice. While opposing militarization in the SouthChina Sea, it has been provocatively dispatching military aircraft and warshipsinto the area, and even deploying aircraft carrier fleets to this region.
More and more countries have foundout who is the biggest “trouble-maker” in the world. It is the US interventionthat makes the world worse. Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya have all fallen intoits trap and are left with mess in the region. As the new Philippine PresidentRodrigo Duterte frankly said, the root of the bloodshed in Iraq and otherMiddle Eastern countries lies in the intervention of the US. Furthermore, justprior to the arbitration award, the UK Iraq Inquiry published its report,stating that the decision of the US and UK to start the Iraq War was based on “flawed”intelligence. Under such circumstance, who will to follow such a “leader of theworld”?
The violation of Dao by the former government of thePhilippines lies in breaching previous commitment and causing a lot of troublein the shelter of a super power. The Philippines and China had been friendlyneighbors in a long history. However, in recent years, the bilateral ties weredamaged by the Philippine policy of confrontation, especially the unilateralarbitration claim. The government of Aquino III willingly acted as the pawn ofthe US Rebalance Strategy and tookthe road to confront China. It deliberately provoked the Huangyan Island(Scarborough Shoal) incident, unilaterally initiated and pushed thearbitration, and tried to hijack other ASEAN countries to smear China andbenefit from the unlawful arbitration award. Its intention is vicious, and itsaction illegal.
First, although fully aware thatterritorial issues are not subject to UNCLOSand maritime delimitation disputes have been excluded from the UNCLOS compulsory dispute settlementprocedures by China, the Philippines deliberately packaged the disputes as mereissues concerning the interpretation or application of UNCLOS.
Second, the arbitration infringesupon China’s right to choose the procedures and means for dispute settlement.In 2006, pursuant to Article 298 of UNCLOS, China declared to exclude fromthe compulsory procedures disputes concerning maritime delimitation, historicbays or titles, military and law enforcement activities. There are over 30countries that have made similar declaration.
Third, the unilateral arbitrationbroke the bilateral agreements reached between China and the Philippines overthe years to resolve relevant disputes in the South China Sea throughnegotiation.
Fourth, the arbitration violatedthe commitment jointly made by China and ASEAN countries, including thePhilippines, in the Declaration on theConduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) to resolve the relevantdisputes through negotiations by states directly concerned.
The Aquino III administrationthought itself clever, but how can it deceive the whole world? As CambodianPrime Minister Hun Sen said, the arbitration is “the worst political collusionin the framework of international politics”, and “would bring negative impactsto ASEAN and peace in the region”. Rod P. Kapunan, Philippine columnist of the Standard, pointed out that “after sixyears of hypocrisy and deceit, this shameless stooge (here refers to AquinoIII) has brought us right into the doorstep of possible armed conflict withChina all because it has chosen to pursue the US-designed policy of incitinghostility with our neighbor.” Regarding the South China Sea situation, he wrotethat “the lives of the Filipinos would be sacrificed to enforce a decision thatif examined closely is a US proxy war which the Philippines would serve ascannon fodder in securing its interest in this part of the globe.”
The escalation in the South ChinaSea will bring enormous risks to the regional even global security. ThePhilippines should recognize its mistakes and return to bilateral negotiationwith China.
The violation of Dao by the arbitral tribunal lies inpolitical manipulation, unfairness and unlawfulness. The arbitration iscompletely a political farce under legal pretext. The establishment of thistribunal is lack of legitimacy; the arbitrators it chose are lack of fairness;the tribunal is lack of jurisdiction, which evidently expanded, exceeded andabused its power. The so-called “award” is even ridiculous. Experts pointed outthat, all the fees of the tribunal, including the huge reimbursement to thearbitrators, are borne by the Philippines. This has raised a lot of concernsand problems. People are asking if the Philippines “hired the judges”.
The composition of the tribunal isa result of political manipulation. Japan and Yanai Shunji, then president ofthe International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, acted as the broker. Thecomposition of the tribunal is quite weird: four of the five arbitrators arefrom Europe, the fifth one is a permanent resident in Europe, and all of themare lack of basic understanding of Asian culture and the South China Sea issue.
One fact could better show the playunder the table. When the tribunal was established in April 2013, the firstpresident appointed by Mr. Yanai was Mr. Chris Pinto, a senior Sri Lankandiplomat. Since Pinto’s wife is Philippine, he especially asked advice fromboth parties to the dispute and was recognized by the Philippines. However,when Mr. Pinto later hinted that the tribunal might not have jurisdiction overthe case, it raised deep concern of the US, Japan and the Philippines. Thelatter asked Yanai to find somebody to replace Mr. Pinto for a so-called “justcause”. In May 2013, Mr. Pinto was forced to resign.
The tribunal abused the power forits own interest. Many experts of international law believe that the tribunalhas no jurisdiction over territorial sovereignty and maritime delimitation.Just as Mr. Sofaer said, this arbitration is related to sovereignty disputes.It shouldn’t have been started, especially when a state party has declared inwriting that it does not accept compulsory procedures over such disputes asmaritime delimitation according to Article298 of UNCLOS. The tribunal’sruling “will broadly undermine the potential utility of internationaladjudication.”
The tribunal disregards the factthat the essence of the subject-matter of the arbitration is the issue ofterritorial sovereignty and maritime delimitation. It erroneously interpretsthe common choice of means of dispute settlement already made jointly by Chinaand the Philippines, erroneously construes the legal effect of the relevantcommitment in the DOC, deliberatelycircumvents the optional exceptions declaration made by China, selectivelytakes relevant islands and reefs out of the macro-geographical framework of theSouth China Sea Islands, and subjectively and speculatively interprets andapplies UNCLOS. The conduct of thetribunal and its award seriously contravene the general practice ofinternational arbitration, completely deviate from the object and purpose of UNCLOS to promote peaceful settlement ofdisputes, substantially impair the integrity and authority of UNCLOS, gravely infringe upon China’slegitimate rights as a sovereign state and state party to UNCLOS, and are unjust and unlawful. It has set an extremelydangerous precedent in the history of international law.
The professional ethics of thearbitrators are widely criticized. All the Western arbitrators and expertwitnesses played a shameful role as though they were chameleons. They reversedtheir previous position as stated in published papers and even backtracked fromtheir long-held views to make the case for the Philippines. Arbitrator AlfredSoons had published his opinion that the status of islands was closelyassociated with demarcation and sovereignty issues. However, when the tribunalruled on jurisdiction and admissibility, he said that the tribunal has theright to decide on the Philippines’ submissions concerning legal status andmaritime entitlement of certain islands including Huangyan Island (ScarboroughShoal) and Meiji Reef (Mischief Reef), which was entirely contradictory to hisprevious viewpoint. Expert witness Clive Schofield also changed his views atthe proceedings. On the same subject, using the same materials, he drew totallydifferent conclusions in and out of the tribunal. People must be wondering: howcould they discard professional ethics to serve the interests of those who paythem?
Facts speak louder than words. Theunilateral arbitration initiated by Aquino III administration violatesinternational law. The tribunal has no jurisdiction over this case. The awardof the tribunal is null and void. China’s position is justified and lawful.
It is time to put an end to thearbitration on the South China Sea. Consultation is the right way to settledisputes between states. China will continue to work together with ASEANcountries to implement the DOCcomprehensively and effectively, promote the consultation on a code of conductin the South China Sea, manage and control relevant disputes properly andexplore maritime cooperation, in order to build the South China Sea into a seaof peace, friendship and cooperation.
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