The FullNighttime is Yours
Mao Shi’an
The hustle and bustle of the dayhas gone away, as the last wisp of glowing cloud fades with the sunset; the dinof social activities and the seemingly never-ending chores have also ebbed awayas Venus starts to glitter. As the night gradually falls, you take off your “daytimemask” and slowly let out your true self.
Sitting in front of the desk,with your snow-white sheets of paper in the lamplight and your middle-aged facein the shade, you scratch in your mind for the ultimate meaning for living,life, and mankind—everything. Like a pilgrim trudging on a sea-like vastdesert, you do not know how far away you are from that spiritual shrine, but youknow where to head to find it. During this extensive night, you are using wordsto set up a conceptual and imaginary world upon all things existing. You sitthere, with your assiduous and indomitable soul, trying to perceive thevitality of great nature, to merge your life into the vast star-strewn sky, tolet the breeze caress your thoughtful mind. Like a northern wolf, you let yourthoughts wander on a spiritual path and explore your soul again and again.Every word or every sentence, the result of brain-wracking effort, comes fromthe inner recesses of your soul.
The quiet night-world activatesand enlivens your mind to its fullest capacity. This is just one of thosecountless creative nights, and you do not know how many more you will have inthe future. You feel grateful to God for the nights he has created.
Lights studding the delineateddark buildings in the distance begin to go off. One after another, they looklike pairs upon pairs of eyes starting to close—a city also needs sleep.Gradually, the night falls quiet—very quiet, like a millennium-old water wellon a remote, thickly forested mountain, sequestered, deep, dusky, andmysterious—unfathomably mysterious.
Now your mind turns to anordinary woman, whose familiar face is remote yet gracious, blurred yet vivid.Beset by early senility, she had grey hair that fluttered in the wind comingthrough the north window, and her grievous and wishful eyes were fixed on theend of the residential area. It was like going through a purgatorial torturefor her every time her child was late in returning home during those years ofturmoil. You will miss her myriad times during your long, sleepless nights andremember her senile life. Like a prematurely extinct comet, all her life valuelies in that moment of brilliant sparkles. Her simple life shows you that thereis something in this world that money, lies, power, and fame cannot replace.One’s value is not something attached, but is innate—the profound love carriedin his or her heart. And such is the love your mother carried.
During the daytime, you live inthe vanity of other people; only at night do you live your own solitary andsequestered life. From the deep end of the residential area comes a dog’sgentle barking—keeping pets is now fashionable among the newly rich—which insteadquiets and deepens the night even more, making it like a bottomless, darktunnel. Standing at the window, you listen with your soul. You hear your heartstill throbbing, like that of a young man.
To get away from the noisytourists, you once quietly sat alone by the secluded, cold, limpid, andemerald-like lake in Jiuzhaigou, a natural scenic spot—for a spacious valleycan contain all scenes, but only a tranquil heart can perceive the beauty ofand feel the warmth of Mother Nature. The night before, the sky had been ladenwith glittering jade shards of snowflakes, but now, at this moment, the brightsun hung high up. From a corner, you took a view full of jade-green trees andgraceful boughs. “Flop, flop!” Large, thick lumps of snow, as white as if theywere transparent, thumped down from the branches of pine trees, producing aheavenly sound. That was the breath of the great earth, and therefore, only thesons of the earth could hear this divine manifestation of nature. Whether youencounter a blessing or a curse, an honor or a disgrace, a rise or fall in yourlife, you will never forget that flopping sound of snow falling.
On such a sleepless night, whichwraps around you as evergreen ivy does, you turn each of your tangled thoughtsinto fine words and sentences, through which you discover yourself: You arestill ardent in feeling and young at heart. In my opinion, the Creator’sinitial purpose in making the night was for humans to enjoy their poetictranquility and romantic mood, but on the contrary, modern people in thismaterial-craving and profit-seeking age waste these nights in the indulgence ofrevelry, extravagance and racket—such an expensive waste!
But you treasure a full,sleepless night time, which is truly yours.
(徐英才 译)
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