Postscript to “LI HO’S LIFE”
Lu Kueimeng
Yuchisheng’s1 biographical sketch of Li Ho says that the poet used to go out every day on a donkey, followed by a boy servant. The donkey carried an old bag. Whenever he had a good couple of lines, he would write them down and throw the piece of paper into the bag. At night, upon his return, he would take these slips out and compose them into poems. 2
When I was a boy living at Liyang, I was told by a white-haired old clerk of the government this story about the Poet Meng Tungyeh. In the reign of Tsengyuan (785-804), he was a poor scholar and was made an assistant magistrate of Liyang, formerly called the Pingling county. About two miles south, there is a rapids called Touchin [Throw Gold] Rapids, extending about two and a half miles in length. On the east of the road, there are the old ruins of the old Pingling city, with a wall enclosure of over one thousand paces. The tumble-down ruins of the walls stand three or four feet high, heavily covered with underbrush. Many old chestnut-leaved oaks, a dozen spans in circumference, cast their shadows over the place, and the ground is covered with wild underbrush and herbs, and is full of caves and depressions. As it lies on a low level, little ponds are formed where fish and turtles make their homes. In general, it is a dark, somber, and deserted place, suggesting the ages past. No one goes there except woodcutters and fishermen. Tungyeh fell in love with it. Every day or every other day, he would go out there on a donkey, accompanied by a young employee of the office, and head for the Touchin islets. Arriving there, he would sit in the shade of an old oak tree, by the side of some pool, and sing his lines until sundown. This habit continued, to the great detriment of his office duties. The magistrate was exasperated and requested permission from the prince to have someone else do Tungyeh’s work and share his salary. Tungyeh’s financial condition became difficult and he left.
I have heard it said that those who indulge in hunting and fishing slaughter life which is given by nature. If life may not be destroyed, how is it permissible for a poet to watch and observe and pry into and expose the secret of every little moment of such [plant and animal] life, so that from morning till eve these living things have nowhere to hide? How is it possible that God should not punish such transgressors? Changchi [ Li Ho] died young, Tungyeh was poor, and Yuchisheng died before he could secure an office at the capital. It must be so! It must be so, indeed!
1. “Yuchisheng” means “Jade River Student.”
2. His mother seeing him so occupied with those slips of paper, said to him, “You are going to kill yourself with those papers.”
(林语堂 译)
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