Limitations of Language
Lin Wei
It is said “wordsare the voice of the mind”, that is to say whatever thinking and emotions onemay have will finally be reflected in his or her language. However, in manycases, language is limited and may not be as powerful as one may expect.
Concerning theissue, there is no shortage of descriptions of this kind in Chinese classicalliteratures. For examples, Liu Yuxi (772–842) wrote: “How lamentable it is thatwords are so powerless to express one’s deep feelings; there is no matchbetween the two” (“Shidao huange”); Huang Tingjian (1045–1105) had a poem: “Whilemy mouth may not be unable to utter what I am feeling, my heart is reallycontent with what I have appreciated” (“Pinling”). Also, a Buddha in the Lotus Sutra: “Stop, stop! There is no need to utteranymore since my dharma is so marvelous and it is impossible to convey it toanyone” (Miaofa lianhuajing, “Fangbian”).Meanwhile, expressions of this kind are: “my feelings can hardly be describedin any language”, “it is hard to find someone who can really appreciate what Ihave meant”, “my language fails to express my idea” so on and so forth.
More typically,Tao Yuanming (365–427) said in his “Poems after Drinking Wine”: “There arecertain things that move me deeply, which I would like to tell but at the verymoment I lose the words”. The critic Lu Ji (261–303) had a comment in his Rhapsody on Literature: “My constantconcern is that my ideas may not have reflected the objects accurately, and mywriting may be deficient of my abundant ideas”, revealing a constant strugglebetween an author and his language.
As thewell-known scholar Qian Zhongshu points out, “Discussing literatures or artsoften causes the same frustration. When listening to music, viewing a painting,or enjoying fabulous scenery, your heart and soul are merged with the thingsthat have been perceived. Yet it is almost impossible for you to describe andconvey what you have been moved by at the spot; if you do that, you may end upresembling the roc in Jia Yi’s poem where he could not put his thoughts intowords properly. Or, if you imaginatively construct a delicate framework ofanalogies where abundant metaphors and figures of speech are presented, asSikong Tu did in his Modes of Poetry,you may have drawn or caved a replica vividly, but still only fashioned aresemblance which never affects others to have the same aesthetic experience asyou had. That is the reason why it has been widely agreed that literarycriticism, for instance, should basically never be expressed in words; it canonly be circled around in the field” (LimitedViews).
The contemporarywriter Zhang Yihe has a heartbreaking writing: “By writing this book, my desirewas to relieve my dying heart and to gain some strength and purpose for mysurvival. However, I was dead wrong! The moment I picked up the pen, I realizedhow powerless and useless the words, the language!…I doubt they can ever conveya person’s true love, joy, pain or hatred” (ThePast Events Have not Vanished like Smoke). This has proved literary criticLiu Xie’s (465–522) point in his DragonCarvings on the Literary Mind. “The delicate nuances of language lie at theboundaries of thought and the subtle meanings of a sense of feeling beyond anywritten words: this is where a speech is held back from its further pursuit anda pen halts without a clear realization”.
Meanwhile, oncea saying is formed it becomes independent and multifaceted. As Mozi said that “Utterancehas many meanings”, “As the language is being conveyed its meanings may varygradually; as it changes its course, it may damage someone. When it is carriedfar away, it will be lost somewhere; when it is set adrift it will deviate fromits original route” (Mozi, “Xiaoqu”).Also, the historian Lü Buwei pointed out in his The Spring and Autumn Annals of Lü: “Words cannotgo without being scrutinized”, “More often than not words appear to be onething but turn up to be another”. These comments have illustrated the “unreliability”of a language from another prospective.
In short, byrealizing its limitations, we may in fact gain certain insights in mastering alanguage.
(林巍 译)
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