My Worries: Are They Justified?
During the earlyyears of the Cultural Revolution, I had a tooth problem. The dentist told meone of my molars was badly decayed and suggested I have a crown fitted, mostpreferably a gold one, because the hardness of gold is similar to that of enameland would fit it well. I was afraid it would look ugly. However, the dentistassured me that nobody would see it since it was on one of the back teeth. Sogold was chosen as the material, but where to find the precious metal at thattime of political turmoil? Gold transaction was then forbidden on the market.And to make things worse, gold products along with jewelry were all beingsearched and looted by the Red Guards in the ‘Destruction of the Four Olds’campaign1. No one in mainland China had access to even a singleounce of gold.
Fortunately, anold classmate of mine, a Thai-Chinese, was planning a trip home and promised tobring me a gold ring by wearing it on his finger when going through customs.That really was an ingenious solution to my tooth crowning problem! Using themelted gold as raw material the doctor prepared the crown with great care andsuperb skill. Protected by the well-fit crown, I was able to eat and chew withmuch ease for several decades. I thought the crown would keep good forever,but, to my dismay, gold too proved to be subject to wear and tear like allother things. Now gold is no longer a rarity, but back at that time gold wasvery hard to get and the gold ring-turned-crown was meant to save me fromdental trouble for the rest of my life, so the fact that it was aging evenfaster than I was actually made me quite sad and sentimental. I came tounderstand that nothing in this world will last for good. However, people stillspare no effort to pursue ease and permanence. The Great Wall, the Pyramids,the underground palaces, all these were built in an attempt to eternalize poweror to preserve corpses until they can be restored to life someday.
Wood, stone,iron and steel, none of them can resist the erosion of time; earthquakes,tsunami and other natural disasters time and again mock the insignificance ofmankind. The extinction of the dinosaurs, the tragic fate of Pompeii, all these are evidence that neithermen nor animals can fend off the changes of the universe. To save themselves,man cleverly resorts to science, yet in doing so they only speed up the processof self-destruction. To top it all, over-multiplication of the human specieshas already brought disastrous consequences. Destruction and regeneration areirresistible laws of Nature, and the universe still remains a myth to men nomatter how hard they endeavor to explore into it. Looking up at the beautifulstars on a summer night, grandmothers have long been telling the same storyabout the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid2: their romance has alwaysremained fresh and the magpies have never failed to build a bridge for theiryearly meeting. But grandmothers don’t know the tiny stars in the distant skymay turn out to be as large as or even larger than the sun, and that our sunwill not shine steadily for ever, even though Houyi3 is long dead.Mankind has realized that we must keep the earth’s temperature from rising, butwho can prevent a volcano from erupting again or stop the coming of anotherglacial period? Even if we can flee to Jupiter, we’re still not very far fromdanger, like only being a few yards from a falling house. In a Chinese legend,someone in the State of Qifeared that the sky would someday fall. That man, to me, is a wise prophethaving the presentiment that Nature may spell doom to man.
The wearing-awayof my tooth crown is a warning sign equal to that of the deterioration of theearth or a tremor of the universe. Disasters we humans have to endure are yetto come. May science provide for our salvation and the human race live as longas the universe lasts!
(1) The campaign to destroy the Four Olds(Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas) began in Beijing onAugust 19, 1966, shortly after the launch of the Cultural Revolution. RedGuards searched houses of famous artists, professors and other socialcelebrities and confiscated what they deemed belonged to the feudal or thebourgeois, including classics, works of art, jewelry, gold and so on.
(2) In China, Altair and Vega are known asthe Star of the Cowherd and the Star of the Weaving Maid respectively. They arelegendary lovers separated by the Silvery River (the Milky Way). Every year onJuly 7 on the Chinese lunar calendar, magpies in heaven will spread their wingsto form a bridge so that the lovers can meet each other.
(3) A Chinese legend says there used to beten suns in the sky. Houyi, the god of archery, shot down nine of them andwarned the last one to be dutiful.
(李运兴 译)
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