AfterWang Ximeng’s Blue and Green Horizontal Landscape Scroll, A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains
Xi Chuan
Green colors and blue colors flowtogether and form empty mountains. Some people are walking in them, but they’restill empty mountains, as if the people walking there have no faces, but theyare still people. No one should try to recognize themselves in these figures,or try to see the real mountains and waters of this world, nor should anyonethink of trying to gain casual praise from Wang Ximeng. Wang Ximeng knows thesesmall figures, and that on one is he himself. These are not his figures, and hecannot call out a single one by name. The figures acquire the mountains andwaters, just as the mountains acquire the emerald land lapis, just as thewaters acquire vastness and boats, just as Emperor Huizong got Wang Ximeng ateighteen years old, not knowing that Wang would die soon after he finished thisthousand miles of rivers and mountains. The mountains and waters are nameless.Wang Ximeng realizes that people without names are just decorations inmountains and waters, just as flying birds know they are insignificant to men’sgames. And the birds meet in the sky. Meanwhile, people walking in themountains have their own directions to travel and their own plans. These smallfigures, in white, walk, sit at leisure, go fishing, trade, surrounded by greencolors and blue colors, just like, today, people, in black, go to banquets,concerts, and funerals, surrounded by golden colors and more golden colors. Thesesmall figures in white have never been born and so have never died; just likeWang Ximeng’s landscape utopia, they are immune to pollution and invasion, andthat is worth careful consideration. So people who are far away from socialcontrols have no need to long for freedom, and people who haven’t beendestroyed by experience aren’t concerned about forgetting. Wang Ximeng let thefishermen have infinite numbers of fishes to go fishing; he allowed limitlesswaters to run out of the mountains. According to him, happiness means the exactamount of blessing so that, immersed in the silence between mountains andwaters, people can build bridges, waterwheels, roads, houses, and live quietly,just like the trees growing appropriately in the mountains, along the marginsof water, or surrounding a village, and surrounding people. In the distance,the trees are like flowers. When they sway, it’s the time when the clear windis rising. When the clear wind is rising, it’s time for people to sing. Whenpeople sing, it’s time for an empty mountain to become an empty mountain.
(Arthur Sze and XiChuan 译)
On WangXimeng’s Landscape Scroll in Blue and Green, A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains
Xi Chuan
Greens and blues compile intoempty mountains. There are people walking in them, yet they remain emptymountains, as people are faceless when walking yet still remain people. Don’tbother looking for yourself in these figures, any more than the real mountainsand waters of this world should look to Wang Ximeng for perfunctory tokens ofpraise. Though Wang Ximeng knows the figures in his painting, he is not one ofthem, nor can he call a single one by name. The figures have acquired thesemountains and waters, just as these mountains have acquired turquoise andlapis, these waters acquired vast expanses and vessels, and Emperor Huizong ofthe Song acquired an eighteen year-old named Wang Ximeng, unaware that the boywould pass away soon after painting AThousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains. The mountains and waters arenameless. Wang Ximeng knows that the nameless figures are but embellishments tothe landscape, just as the birds of the air know that their presence or absenceis immaterial to the comédie humaine. Birds see each other in flight. At thesame time, people walking through the mountains have their own directions, havetheir own plans. Tiny figures dressed in white, they walk, rest, fish, andtrade amongst themselves, all the while surrounded by green and blue, just aspeople today dress in black to show up at banquets, concerts, and funerals,surrounded by gold and yet more gold. These figures clothed in white were neverborn, and so of course will never die, just as Wang Ximeng’s landscape utopia,mountains and waters immune to pollution or infiltration, lends itself toeternal appreciation. Unfettered, they yearn not for freedom; untainted, theyneed not forget. Wang Ximeng gives the fishermen more fish than they can fishfor and fills the cols with water flowing without end. In his eyes, happinessis having just the right amount of wealth, enabling everyone to build bridgesand watermills, roads and homes, and dwell in peace in the mountains andwaters, just as the right amount of trees grow on hillocks and alongriverbanks, or encircle hamlets, encircle everyone. In the distance, the treesare like flowers. They sway, which is when the clear breeze refreshes. Theclear breeze refreshes, which is when the people sing. The people sing, whichis when the empty mountains become empty mountains.
(Lucas Klein 译)
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