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Orchards vanishing from the landscape, says National Trust 英国国家信托基

分享到: 2022-06-09 17:10:10 BBC英语教学

摘要:媒体英语Orchards vanishing from the landscape, says National Trust 英国国家信托基金会:果园正从景观中消失Play audio file


Orchards vanishing from the landscape, says National Trust 英国国家信托基金会:果园正从景观中消失

英国国家信托基金会(National Trust)开展的研究显示,果园正在从景观中消失,自1900年来,其消失的面积大小相当于怀特岛(the Isle of Wight)。

Apple and other fruit trees are among the first to bloom, but according to the National Trust, this burst of spring blossom is becoming a rarer sight as orchards are torn down to make way for housing developments and modern agriculture.


The Trust’s analysis of historic maps using artificial intelligence techniques suggests more than half of orchards in England and Wales have vanished in little over a hundred years. And that’s bad news for people and nature, they say.


Traditional orchards can be a haven for wildlife with flowers providing a food source for pollinating insects and branches giving a home to patrolling bats.


The National Trust has vowed to plant four million blossoming trees as part of its commitment to cultivate 20 million trees across England, Wales and Northern Ireland by 2030.



bloom 开花
blossom (树木)开花,花簇
orchards 果园
make way for 被…取代,给…让路
haven 庇护所
pollinating 传授花粉的
cultivate 栽培,种植


1. True or false? Apple trees are one of the first to bloom.

2. Why are orchards torn down?

3. What does the National Trust’s analysis of historic maps suggest?

4. How many blossoming trees is the National Trust committed to cultivating across England, Wales and Northern Ireland by 2030?


1. True or false? Apple trees are one of the first to bloom.
True. Apple and other fruit trees are among the first to bloom.

2. Why are orchards torn down?
Orchards are torn down to make way for housing developments and modern agriculture.

3. What does the National Trust’s analysis of historic maps suggest?
It suggests more than half of orchards in England and Wales have vanished in little over a hundred years.

4. How many blossoming trees is the National Trust committed to cultivating across England, Wales and Northern Ireland by 2030?
20 million trees.
