Behindthe Vogue Term “Child’s Slave”
Zhang Wei
If vogue words are weathercock ofsociety, the much-mouthed term “child’s slave” is indicative of a disquietingtendency: a whole generation of our country is hesitant about whether to becomeparents or not. The implication is: For the first time ever, parenting isregarded on a large scale as a heavy burden rather than a blessing in oursociety where parent-child love has long been valued as its cornerstone.
That is by no means blessing.
Arguments are making newspaperheadlines and dominating websites. Consequently, the experts’ view hinting that“One should not rush into parenthood” is spreading widely; and the panic that “Theexpense of bringing up a child amounts to one million yuan” is creeping intopeople’s hearts. Thus, parenting has become an unavoidable serious topic overdinner of many families, as it is said.
We admit that any choiceconcerning childbearing made by individual families should be respected.However, once the choice is channeled into one orientation that is getting contagious,we can’t take it lightly. We admit at the same time that the cost of rearing achild is skyrocketing, which, however, cannot justify the opinion that regardschildren as a burden.
The cost of living, especially incities, is becoming a pressure too heavy to bear for many people. This is thereality we have to face up to. The high cost of living is, in part, the pricewe have to pay for the development of civilization, and in part, theundesirable consequence of the imbalance of our social structure. Many of thegeneration for whom “child’s slave” has become a pet phrase have just begun tobe on their own feet. What confronts them is a society torn by the widening gapbetween the rich and the poor and imbalanced mentality of the people, in whichthey are struggling in the discrepancy between their great expectations of ahappy life and the harsh reality. They habitually attribute all this to theunfairness of society, thus complaining and grumbling all the time.
Such pressure surely affects theway they view parenting. The existence of this pressure is reality: Anyone whohappens to be a busy parent you stop in the street of Beijing, Shanghai orGuangzhou will tell you that the child is the very motivation that drives themto work hard but it is also the cause of their anxiety.
However, when a couple hurries tojudge the value of childbearing with the sum expense of milk powder, diapersand tuition, and regards their struggle to bear such expenses as being “enslaved”,we are sure that something must be wrong.
Rearing a family is more than aneconomic issue. It embraces the beauty of family affection and convention ofethics. Its merits and demerits cannot be merely judged by the figure shown inthe calculator when you have keyed in all the expenses.
Parent-child love or domesticbliss embraces not only a time-honored tradition highly valued by our society,but also an eternal them lying deep in human nature that cannot be avoided. Thetradition deep-rooted in the Chinese culture and human nature should not be negatedby the indifferent estimation of cost, although an individual may decide for oragainst parenting for various reasons.
What worries us is, behind thepopularity of the term of “child’s slave”, the exaggerated collective complaintmay build up into a torrential trend that might shape many people’s independentthinking to the detriment of our treasured family love and of our traditionalnotion concerning rearing a family.
It is rash and irresponsible toview parenting as enslavement and mention it in the same breath as the purchaseof one’s own flat or private car. This view reveals a passive escapement fromrather than an active face-to-face encounter with the world. It is a recklessrisk to propagandize and enthuse over it.
We must also admit that it issensible for any rational “economist” to accurately calculate the possible expenseof rearing a family and coordinate one’s tempo of life accordingly. However,the sensibility doesn’t lie in complaining about the enormous expenses andventing one’s discontent with the high cost of living. After all, even in thehardest and poorest times in history, mankind never shunned its responsibility ofraising and caring for its offspring.
The term “child’s slave” inflictsus with disturbance, which roots from the hard livelihood of the people—if membersof a society are forced to calculate meticulously and hesitate when confrontingsuch a basic choice as raising offspring, it means the hard livelihood must betaken up in real seriousness. Such a disturbance also hints at the vulnerabilityof our traditional values, through which our social community maintains toexist till today.
We sincerely hope those who arein fear of becoming “child’s slaves” will calm down to think carefully insteadof allowing themselves to follow a code and drift along with the tide. We alsohope that the fear of becoming “child’s slaves” will be allayed as soon aspossible. This requires the whole social system develop in a fine way and allparents and would-be parents regard the bliss of childbearing and rearing witha more positive and healthier attitude.
(王昌玲 译,陈德彰改)
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