Half Manis Woman(Excerpt)
Zhang Xianliang
‘Me? Don’t even ask.’ Shelaughed, as she reeled off a line from a model revolutionary play. Then shestamped down the earth that I had shoveled in. ‘Eight years: I married twiceand divorced twice. That was about it. Luckily there weren’t any children.’
I kept on working, not at allsurprised. I had seen too much, and heard too much. In the end, there was verylittle that I could not imagine. If she didn’t get along that way, how was sheto live? Good fortune was a kind of miracle, misfortune was the norm. She, inturn, felt no surprise at my own experience. In that respect we both totallyunderstood each other. Her lack of any commiseration was fine—through theyears, I had come to dislike the simpering sympathy of other people.
‘You’ve been in jail twice overthese years, well, don’t laugh, I’ve been married twice. Comes to the samething. At times, I think jail must be easier to take than marriage. The firsttime, I didn’t tell him I’d been in the camps, and I lived in fear that hewould find out. When he eventually did, he asked for a divorce. The secondtime, at the White Sands Commune, I told him all about my past from the verystart. After that, he was always bringing it up again holding it against me. Inthe end I couldn’t take it, and I asked him for a divorce. First time, he didn’twant me; second time, I didn’t want him. One to one, even! So that’s life, I’mnot getting married again.’
‘That’s easy enough. If you don’twant to marry, you don’t have to. But me, if I don’t want to go to jail it isn’tmy decision.’ I teased her, ‘Marriage is up to you, jail’s not up to me. You’vebeen a lot better than I have.’
From the start we spoke to eachother like old friends. There are all kinds of patterns in friendship. Withsome, you find it natural to be close from the beginning, with others it takessome time before the wheel engage. If the gears don’t mesh, the thing does notgo at all. We both ignored the hardships of the other, because we hadencountered enough in our own lives. At the same time, we understood eachother, because although the form of suffering we each had endured was differentthe essence of what we had felt was the same.
(Martha Avery 译)
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