Pomegranate Flowers
The world is ablazing brilliance of colors, a dazzling flourish of flowers vying for charm.While renowned flowers win sycophantic admiration, wild ones simply grow humblyunnoticed. Pomegranate flowers, neither a prized species anymore, nor a wildtype, evoked in me an unexpected sentiment of emotion after I, quite byaccident, caught sight of a pomegranate tree glowing red with flowers. Eversince my childhood, I have had different encounters with pomegranate flowers,and perhaps because they are much too ordinary I should have failed to betouched, not even once, by their charm. It is not until recently that I beganto generate an affectionate fondness towards them.
Early June ofthis year saw in Yangzhou an unusually cool temperature, giving one theillusion of a returning early spring. While I was walking to campus, theone-hour trip, which was definitely a good exercise, also brought closercontact with grass or trees adjacent to the roadside. As I was doing so,thoughts tended to arise involuntarily as well. I casually picked up a dry treebranch and walked it along as if I were maneuvering a tractor, its chuggingtune that I once imitated as a child reverberating in my ears once more. With atree leaf placed between the lips, I was still able to whistle it, in anawkward fashion, evidencing my remaining competence in this childhood game withtree leaves.
Every time Iwent along the same route, I could always glimpse a distance away from theroadside a particular tree, which seemed to be bearing reddish fruits. Two daysago, I passed by it again, doubts in mind. Was it a loquat bearing astringentfruits? Were the fruits so common that people had their nose turned up at them?Or, was it because people were better-nurtured now so that they pampered thefree growth of the fruits? Whatever the reason, I would not care. Childhoodexperiences of stealing fruits in the tree were prompting me to have one moretry. What a rustic delight in doing that!
To have a tasteof the fruits, I changed my usual route, which only involved a little extradistance to cover. However, I approached only to see a pomegranate tree bearingred flowers, which let me down a little bit. Being small, the flowers wereindistinguishable in the distance. No wonder. How could a fruit-bearing treehave kept away the “early birds”?
As the oldChinese saying goes, “Since I am here, let me stay and enjoy it”. I started toobserve the flowers intently. Some flowers, in their full blossoms, were silky “pomegranateskirts” as it were, going tight and slender in the waist. And the “slenderwaists” were normally accompanied to the side by a couple of flower buds, whichlooked just like “red hawthorn fruits” embellishing the hairstyle of a littlegirl. Why, are you shy little girls, blooming flowers? You were hiding yourpretty faces among rustling leaves, but you were not able to conceal all the “pomegranatered” bursting for this “pomegranate month” (an elegant name in the ancienttimes for the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar). Then in a blinking moment,it was as if the flower buds turned into the pegs of urheens, the “pomegranateskirts” into the suona trumpets, and even the yellow stamens or pistils intothe indistinct decorations of some hidden horns. With all these “musicalinstruments” in the tree, what a loud celebration it was for the arrival of thespring!
My passion forpomegranate flowers can well be described as true and genuine. Aware as otherpeople are of their beauty, they tend to turn a blind eye to it, probablybecause pomegranate flowers are not so scented, or because pomegranate treesare fruit producers and can only prove their principal value when fruits areborn. No matter whether for the scent or for the fruit, basically it isutilitarianism that cloaks people’s appreciative eye for the beauty of theflowers.
Pomegranate flowers,though not smelling sweet, are special in their beauty. As they never pleasepeople by scent, they do not incur picking. They are “beauties”, and are ableto grow elegantly and leisurely, free from “the jealousy of gods”.
Pomegranateflowers, you adorable little spirits, it’s me who knows you well!
(周领顺、Lus Shil 译)
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