Message onWorld Humanitarian Day
19 August 2016
A record 130 million people aredependent on humanitarian assistance to survive. Grouped together, these peoplein need would comprise the tenth most populous nation on Earth.
These figures are truly staggering,yet they tell only a fraction of the story. Hidden behind the statistics areindividuals, families and communities whose lives have been devastated. Peopleno different to you and me: children, women and men who face impossible choicesevery day. They are parents who must choose between buying food or medicine fortheir children; children who must choose between school or working to supporttheir families; families who must risk bombing at home or a perilous escape bysea.
The solutions to the crises thathave plunged these people into such desperate hardship are neither simple nor quick.But there are things we can all do – today, and every day. We can showcompassion, we can raise our voices against injustice, and we can work forchange.
World Humanitarian Day is an annualreminder of the need to act to alleviate the suffering. It is also an occasion to honour thehumanitarian workers and volunteers toiling on the frontlines of crises. I paytribute to these dedicated women and men who brave danger to help others at fargreater risk.
Today, I urge everyone to sign onto the United Nations “World You’d Rather” campaign. As well as raisingawareness and building empathy, the campaign has a concrete goal: to raisemoney for the UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund and to enrol the support ofindividuals everywhere as Messengers of Humanity. We need everybody to demandthat their societies and governments put humanity first.
Earlier this year, 9,000participants gathered in Istanbul for the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit.World leaders committed to transform the lives of people living in conflict,disaster and acute vulnerability. They rallied behind the Agenda for Humanity and its pledge to leave no one behind.
This promise is also at the heartof the Sustainable Development Goals.With their focus on human rights, resilience and poverty eradication, these 17global goals offer a 15-year plan to reduce needs and vulnerability and promotea world of peace, dignity and opportunity for all. To succeed on thiscollective journey, we need everyone to play their part. Each one of us canmake a difference. On this World Humanitarian Day, let us unite in the name ofhumanity and show that we cannot and will not leave any one behind.
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