Message onthe International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
9 August 2016
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by world leaderslast year, is predicated on the principle of leaving no one behind in thejourney to a world of peace and dignity, opportunity and prosperity. Amongthose most vulnerable to being left behind are indigenous peoples.
Indigenous peoples face a wide rangeof challenges including systematic discrimination, denial of their land andterritorial rights and inadequate access to essential services. Indigenouspeoples regularly face stigmatization of their cultural identity and lack ofrespect and recognition for their heritage and values, including in textbooksand other educational materials. Their marginalization is often compounded bylanguage barriers. Instruction is mainly in the national language, with littleor no instruction in, or recognition of, indigenous languages.
This has grave consequences. Aroundthe globe, indigenous youth are graduating from high school at rates well belowthe national average. In some countries, less than 40 per cent of indigenouschildren attend school full-time. In many others, few indigenous childrencomplete a full high school education. This is unacceptable. We will notachieve the Sustainable Development Goalsif we fail to address the educational needs of indigenous peoples.
In recent decades, the world hasprogressed considerably in advocating for the rights of indigenous peoples. TheUnited Nations now has three specific mechanisms to advance their cause: thePermanent Forum on Indigenous Issues; the Special Rapporteur on the Rights ofIndigenous Peoples; and the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of IndigenousPeoples. We also have the United NationsDeclaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Adopted by the GeneralAssembly on 13 September 2007, the Declarationis the definitive benchmark for the recognition, promotion and protectionof the rights of indigenous peoples.
In September 2014, the first WorldConference on Indigenous Peoples adopted an action oriented outcome document toachieve the ends of the Declaration onthe Rights of Indigenous Peoples. As a direct result we now have a UN System Wide Action Plan to promoteawareness and action to support the implementation of the UN Declaration, particularly at thecountry level.
On this International Day of theWorld’s Indigenous Peoples, I call on Governments everywhere to draw on theguidance of this international framework to improve access to education forindigenous people and to reflect their experiences and culture in places oflearning. Let us commit to ensuring indigenous peoples are not left behind aswe pursue the vision of the SustainableDevelopment Goals.
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2022年上海高级口译汉英翻译练习02 上海高级口译相对来说难度更大,对于基础和中级口译来说,上海高级口译考察大家英语知识点会更广泛。
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2022年上海高级口译汉英翻译练习01 上海高级口译相对来说难度更大,对于基础和中级口译来说,上海高级口译考察大家英语知识点会更广泛。
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