Statementby Ambassador Liu Jieyi at the Security Council Debate on Children and ArmedConflict
Mr. Chairman,
China welcomes Malaysia’sinitiative in convening today’s meeting. We thank Secretary-General BanKi-Moon, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and ArmedConflict Ms. Zerrougui, and Executive Director of UNICEF Mr. Anthony Lake fortheir briefings.
Children are the primary victims ofarmed conflicts in war-torn countries and regions. As terrorist activitiesescalate and spread, terrorist organizations’ killings, abductions andrecruitment of children for terrorist attacks have become an increasingly seriousproblem. The continuing turbulence in parts of the Middle East has triggeredlarge waves of refugees and migrants. Displacement and trafficking in childrenare becoming even more rampant. The international community should, in light ofthe new situation and dynamics, take effective measures for the protection ofchildren in armed conflict.
First, we must wage a resolutefight against the heinous acts and violations carried out by terroristorganizations against children. The international community should maintainconsistent standards, zero tolerance for and non-distinction vis-à-visterrorism, bring great pressure to bear on terrorists, and firmly combat thekilling, abuse and abduction of children carried out by terroristorganizations. All countries should step up their law enforcement cooperationto ensure that all those responsible for violations against children areseverely punished in any country they may flee to. In rescuing childrenabducted by terrorist organizations, countries should increase theirintelligence and information-sharing so as to fully mobilize all forces andcome to the rescue of children held hostage.
Secondly, children should beprevented from becoming the victims of terrorist and extremist ideologies. Theinternational community should take effective measures and effectively combatthe use by terrorist organizations of the Internet to spread terror throughaudiovisual means and to carry out recruitment and incitement activities. Weshould improve the education of children and help them develop a mentality ofrespect, openness and tolerance, reject violence and avoid the negativeinfluences of terrorist and extremist ideologies. We should give full play tothe role of the family, the school and the community in forming a protectiveumbrella against the encroachment on children by terrorist ideologies.
Thirdly, a proper response shouldbe made to trafficking in refugees and migrants. The countries of origin,transit and destination of refugees and migrants should improve their borderenforcement cooperation, improve mechanisms for immigration, border control,customs and coast guards, combat related crimes, reduce the incidence ofexploitation of children, step up the identification, repatriation andprotection of children subject to trafficking, and protect children’slegitimate rights and interests.
Fourthly, internationalhumanitarian relief for displaced children needs to be strengthened. Whilerespecting the sovereignty of a country in conflict and the principles of humanity,neutrality and impartiality, the international community should ensure thatchildren are provided with food, medical care, education and legal aid and helptheir reintegration into society. The role of the United Nations DevelopmentProgramme, the World Health Organization and the United Nations PopulationFund, inter alia, should be fully leveraged in coordinating internationalhumanitarian relief efforts and forming synergies.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
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