StopMeddling in the South China Sea
Liu Xiaoming, Chinese Ambassador tothe UK
中国驻英国大使 刘晓明
On 4 May, the Times and its website published a signed article by Ambassador LiuXiaoming entitled “Stop Meddling in the South China Sea”. The full text is asfollows:
The issue of the South China Sea isbeing ramped up by those in the US and the UK who accuse China of causingtension in the region. They proclaim the principle of free navigation andoverflight but in reality their prejudice and partiality will only increasetension.
Their suggestion that China’s “hardline” position about the sea increases friction is not based on fact. We werethe first to discover and name its islands and reefs and the first to governthem. Despite this, more than 40 are now illegally occupied by other countries.Our talks with neighbours to resolve our differences shows how committed we areto regional peace and stability.
China’s construction on its ownislands and reefs is a matter for us. These actions are not targeted at anyother country. Apart from minimum defence facilities, the building works areprimarily civilian in purpose.
The claim that there is a threat tothe freedom of navigation and overflight in the sea is false. Is there a singlecase in which this freedom has been affected? More than 100,000 vessels passthrough the sea unimpeded every year. Is the freedom of navigation that everycountry is entitled to really the issue? Or is it the “freedom” of certaincountries to flex military muscle and moor warships on other nations’ doorstepsand fly military jets over others countries’ territorial airspace? If it is thelatter, such “freedom” should be condemned as a flagrantly hostile act andstopped.
Some appear eager to label China as“not abiding by international law” and “undermining the rule-basedinternational system” because it rejects the arbitration imposed on it underthe UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.China made a clear declaration in accordance with this law in 2006 to excludecompulsory arbitration on sovereign disputes and maritime delimitation. Morethan 30 other countries, including the UK, have made similar declarations.
Some countries outside the SouthChina Sea claim to be taking no side in sovereignty disputes, but they areactually doing all they can to get involved. The military vessels and planesthey sent to the region and the accusations they throw at China only encouragecertain countries in the region to behave even more recklessly, increasing thetension.
China and the UK have co-hostedevents marking the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death. Some ofhis characters are good at stirring up enmity. But they can fool only theirvictims in the play, never the audience. Likewise, the world will see clearlywho is making trouble in the South China Sea. These nations should desist frommeddling and muddling. Such actions pose a threat to regional stability andworld peace.
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