U.S.-ChinaJoint Statement on Nuclear Security Cooperation
March 31, 2016
1. Today in Washington, D.C., onthe occasion of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit (NSS), we, the United Statesand China, declare our commitment to working together to foster a peaceful andstable international environment by reducing the threat of nuclear terrorismand striving for a more inclusive, coordinated, sustainable and robust globalnuclear security architecture for the common benefit and security of all.
2. The United States and China, inthis regard, are announcing the successful completion of the inaugural round ofbilateral discussions on nuclear security that took place on February 20, 2016,in Stockholm, Sweden. We plan to continue this dialogue on an annual basis, soas to intensify our cooperation to prevent nuclear terrorism and continueadvancing Nuclear Security Summit goals.
3. We further demonstrate today ourconviction that strong communication and cooperation are essential to nuclearsecurity by committing to continue strong support for the work of relevantinternational agencies on nuclear security, in accordance with their respectivemandates, through engagement of our experts as well as financial and in-kindcontributions.
4. Together we continue tocollaborate on key areas of nuclear security. In particular, we recognizesignificant accomplishments and ongoing engagement in the following areas:
5. On conversion of Miniature NeutronSource Reactors (MNSR) from highly enriched uranium (HEU) fuel to low-enricheduranium (LEU) fuel, the United States and China express satisfaction on therecent LEU start-up of the prototype MNSR reactor near Beijing, China. Buildingon this successful collaboration, China commits to work with the United Statesto convert its remaining MNSR reactors at Shenzhen University. Further, theUnited States and China together commit to work through the InternationalAtomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to support the conversion of MNSR reactors in Ghanaand Nigeria as soon as possible. China reaffirms its readiness, upon therequest of respective countries, to convert all remaining Chinese-origin MNSRsworldwide.
6. On nuclear security training andbest practices, the United States and China express satisfaction on thesuccessful completion and official opening of the nuclear security Center ofExcellence (COE) in Beijing, China on 18 March, 2016. The COE is a world-classvenue to meet China's domestic nuclear security training requirements, as wellas a forum for bilateral and regional best practice exchanges, and a venue fordemonstrating advanced technologies related to nuclear security. The UnitedStates and China commit to continued engagement on nuclear security trainingand best practices to maximize the use and effectiveness of the COE. Chinafurther commits to sponsor training programs at the COE for regional partnersand other international participants to further global nuclear securityawareness and engagement.
7. On counter nuclear smuggling,the United States and China state our enduring commitment to preventterrorists, criminals, or other unauthorized actors from acquiring nuclear orother radioactive materials. Recognizing the need for strengthened internationalcooperation to counter nuclear smuggling, we will continue to seekopportunities to deepen our joint efforts to investigate nuclear andradioactive material smuggling networks; detect, recover and secure materialout of regulatory control; and successfully arrest and prosecute the criminalsinvolved. The United States and China will continue to coordinate efforts tostrengthen counter nuclear smuggling capabilities and share best practices withthe international community, taking full advantage of the training programssponsored by the China Customs Training Center for Radiation Detection. Wefurther commit to continuing a discussion in 2016 on counter nuclear smugglingwhere our two countries can exchange views on the nuclear smuggling threat, effectivetools to counter this threat, and how our governments could strengthencollaboration in this area.
8. On the security of radioactivesources, the United States and China express satisfaction on the fruitfulcooperation between the two sides in enhancing the security of radioactivesources, in particular regarding recovery of disused sources and transportsecurity of radioactive sources. We commit to further strengthen cooperation inthis regard, and facilitate the sharing of experiences and best practices withother countries.
9. The United States and China alsoexpress satisfaction on the recent signature of the Statement of Intent on Commodity Identification Training Cooperationbetween the General Administration of Customs of China and the Department ofEnergy of the United States.
10. The United States and Chinaexpress their strong commitment to addressing the evolving nuclear securitychallenge through continuing activities sustained efforts after the currentNuclear Security Summit process concludes.
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