Why DoesChina Reject the Award by the Arbitral Tribunal in the South China SeaArbitration?
中国驻立陶宛大使 魏瑞兴
H. E. Mr. Wei Ruixing, ChineseAmbassador to Lithuania
July 24, 2016
After the Arbitral Tribunal in theSouth China Sea arbitration established at the unilateral request of theRepublic of the Philippines (hereinafter referred to as “the ArbitralTribunal”) announced its award on 12 July 2016, the Chinese Government issued“the Statement on China’s Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights andInterests in the South China Sea”, and the Chinese Foreign Ministry issued “theStatement on the Award of 12 July 2016 of the Arbitral Tribunal in the SouthChina Sea Arbitration Established at the Request of the Republic of thePhilippines”. Both Statementsexplicitly expound on China’s solemn position that China neither accepts norrecognizes it. Now I wish to elaborate on some questions raised recently.
1. WhyChina from the beginning has been upholding its position of neither acceptingnor participating in the arbitration?
First, the subject-matter of thearbitration initiated by the Philippines is in essence an issue of territorialsovereignty over some islands and reefs of Nansha Qundao (the Nansha Islands),and inevitably concerns and cannot be separated from maritime delimitationbetween China and the Philippines. Fully aware that territorial issues are notsubject to the United Nations Convention onthe Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and that maritime delimitation disputes havebeen excluded from the UNCLOScompulsory dispute settlement procedures by China’s 2006 declaration, thePhilippines deliberately packaged the relevant disputes as mere issues concerningthe interpretation or application of UNCLOS.
Second, the Philippines’ unilateralinitiation of arbitration infringes upon China’s right as a state party to UNCLOS to choose on its own will theprocedures and means for dispute settlement. As early as in 2006, pursuant to Article 298 of UNCLOS, China excluded from the compulsory dispute settlementprocedures of UNCLOS disputesconcerning, among others, maritime delimitation, historic bays or titles,military and law enforcement activities.
Third, the Philippines’ unilateralinitiation of arbitration violates the bilateral agreement reached betweenChina and the Philippines, and repeatedly reaffirmed over the years, to resolverelevant disputes in the South China Sea through negotiations.
Fourth, the Philippines’ unilateralinitiation of arbitration violates the commitment made by China and ASEANMember States, including the Philippines, in the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC)to resolve the relevant disputes through negotiations by states directlyconcerned. By unilaterally initiating the arbitration, the Philippines violatesUNCLOS and its provisions on theapplication of dispute settlement procedures, the principle of "pacta suntservanda" and other rules and principles of international law.
2. Whydoes China reject the award by the Arbitral Tribunal?
First, the Arbitral Tribunaldisregards the fact that the essence of the subject-matter of the arbitrationinitiated by the Philippines is issues of territorial sovereignty and maritimedelimitation.
Second, the Arbitral Tribunalerroneously interprets the common choice of means of dispute settlement alreadymade jointly by China and the Philippines, erroneously construes the legaleffect of the relevant commitment in DOC.
Third, the Arbitral Tribunaldeliberately circumvents the optional exceptions declaration made by Chinaunder Article 298 of UNCLOS, selectively takes relevantislands and reefs out of the macro-geographical framework of Nanhai Zhudao (theSouth China Sea Islands), subjectively and speculatively interprets and appliesUNCLOS, and obviously errs inascertaining facts and applying the law.
Fourth, the conduct of the ArbitralTribunal and its awards seriously contravene the general practice ofinternational arbitration, completely deviate from the object and purpose of UNCLOS to promote peaceful settlement ofdisputes, substantially impair the integrity and authority of UNCLOS, gravely infringe upon China’slegitimate rights as a sovereign state and state party to UNCLOS, and are unjust and unlawful.
3. WillChina adjust its claims in the South China Sea?
China’s territorial sovereignty andmaritime rights and interests in the South China Sea are based on solidhistorical and legal ground. They shall not be affected by the award by theArbitral Tribunal in the South China Sea arbitration.
The statement issued by theGovernment of the People’s Republic of China on July 12, 2016 reaffirmed China’sterritorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South ChinaSea, which include, inter alia: China has sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao (theSouth China Sea Islands); China has internal waters, territorial sea,contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf based on itssovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao; and China has historic rights in the SouthChina Sea.
China’s territorial sovereignty andmaritime rights and interests in the South China Sea are not new claims. These,including the dotted line, have been formed in the long course of history, andhave been upheld by the successive Chinese governments. Any attempt by anyforce to undermine or deny in any way China’s territorial sovereignty andmaritime rights and interests will be futile and will fail. On issues ofterritorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, China will notaccept any means of third-party dispute settlement without China’s priorconsent or any imposed solution. This temporary tribunal, unjust and highlycontroversial, does not stand for international law, the rule of law or equityand justice in the world.
4. How toresolve the disputes in the South China Sea?
The arbitration and theout-of-bad-faith dramatization and political manipulation that ensued have putthe South China Sea issue to a dangerous situation, with growing tension andconfrontation. It is detrimental to peace and stability in the region, and itdoes not serve the common interests of China and the Philippines, countries inthe region or the wider international community. Now the farce is over. It istime that things come back to normal.
China respects and upholds thefreedom of navigation and overflight enjoyed by all states under internationallaw in the South China Sea, and stays ready to work with other coastal statesand the international community to ensure the safety of and the unimpededaccess to the international shipping lanes in the South China Sea.
China is committed to the full andeffective implementation of DOC, andwill work to advance the consultations on a Codeof Conduct within the framework of DOC.China stands ready to continue to resolve the relevant disputes peacefullythrough negotiation and consultation with the states directly concerned on thebasis of respecting historical facts and in accordance with international law.Pending final settlement, China is also ready to make every effort with thestates directly concerned to enter into provisional arrangements of a practicalnature, including joint development in relevant maritime areas, in order toachieve win-win results and jointly maintain peace and stability in the SouthChina Sea.
China is a contributor to globalorder, international and regional peace and stability. China is committed togrow good-neighborly and friendly relations with its neighbors. China has aninternational responsibility to uphold peace and stability in this region, andChina will remain firm in its strategic determination to pursue peacefuldevelopment.
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