Remarksat a press briefing on World Tuberculosis Day
Dr Margaret Chan, Director-Generalof the World Health Organization
Geneva, Switzerland
18 March 2013
Ladiesand gentlemen,
I am pleased to brief you on theTB situation, together with WHO staff and Dr Mark Dybul, the Executive Directorof the Global Fund. The Global Fund provides the vast majority of internationaldonor funding for TB.
我很高兴与世卫组织职员和全球基金执行主任Mark Dybul博士一道向大家介绍结核病情况。全球基金提供了绝大部分结核病国际捐助资金。
Twenty years ago, in 1993, WHOdeclared the spread of tuberculosis a global public health emergency. Thatunprecedented step was sparked by an explosion of cases, in rich and poor countriesalike, largely fueled by the AIDS epidemic.
Two decades later, it isappropriate to ask: have we conquered, or at least tamed, the TB emergency?Yes, and no.
On many levels, TB control is aglowing success story. In the mid-1990s, WHO promoted the DOTS approach andthen refined it as a six-pronged strategy to stop TB.
Within a decade, the strategy hadbeen adopted in nearly every country in the world. It worked. In fact, it had adramatic impact.
The epidemic which, in 1993,looked set to spiral out of control, peaked ten years ago and began a slow butsteady decline. The Millennium Development target of halting and reversing theTB epidemic by 2015 has already been achieved. Overall, the world is on trackto meet the target of a 50% reduction in deaths compared with 1990.
Between 1995 and 2011, 51 millionpeople were successfully treated for TB using the WHO strategy, saving 20million lives.
Such success is all the moreimpressive considering that TB care and control have relied on antiquatedtools. TB is unique among the major infectious diseases in that nopoint-of-care diagnostic test is available.
The humble microscope hasremained the principal diagnostic tool for a century. Moreover, no easy-to-useand accurate test for detecting TB in children exists.
This situation, too, is beginningto change. An unprecedented number of vaccines are now at various stages ofdevelopment. The end of last year saw regulatory approval of the first new TBdrug in 50 years.
In late 2010, WHO endorsed arapid molecular test that can reliably diagnose TB and drug resistance, even inpatients co-infected with HIV, within hours instead of weeks or even months.The test has been rolled out in 77 low- and middle-income countries, and theprice of tests has dropped by more than 40%.
This is the positive side.
The negative side has threedimensions.
The first dimension is scale.Despite recent success in shrinking the epidemic, the global TB burden remainsenormous. In 2011, an estimated 8.7 million people developed TB, and 1.4million died. This makes TB second only to HIV/AIDS as the greatest killerworldwide due to a single infectious agent.
The second dimension is the riseof TB strains that are resistant to multiple first-line drugs or extensivelyresistant to second-line drugs as well.
MDR-TB has been detected invirtually every country that has looked for it. XDR-TB, confined to just ahandful of countries a few years ago, has now been reported in 84 countries.
Worldwide, an estimated 630,000people are ill with MDR-TB. The significance of that number is amplifiedconsiderably by the extreme burden it places on patients, families, and healthsystems.
Drug-resistant TB is notoriouslydifficult to diagnose and extremely difficult and costly to treat. Though cureof MDR-TB is feasible, it takes 20 to 24 months of treatment with expensive andtoxic drugs, some of which need to be administered by injection and some ofwhich are in short supply.
The costs of treating MDR-TB canbe several hundred times higher than costs for treating drug-susceptible TB. Onaverage, only around 50% of MDR-TB cases are cured.
The emergence of MDR-TB, atdramatic levels in some settings, is a signal that care and control measureshave failed. When patients are given too little treatment, stop taking theirmedicines, or are treated with sub-standard medicines, only the weakest TBbacteria are killed.
This leaves the heartier ones tosurvive in a drug-resistant form. In other words, the emergence of MDR- andXDR-TB can be attributed to poor quality treatment.
However, this situation ischanging.
Worldwide, nearly 4% of peoplenewly ill with TB are resistant to multiple drugs right at the start. Thismeans that MDR-TB is being transmitted directly from one person to another.
In some countries, as many as 35%of new cases have MDR-TB at the start. This gives you an idea of the powder kegwe are sitting on.
We must learn from countries thathave contained the threat and urgently support those where MDR-TB is nearly thenorm.
We are just treading water whenwe desperately need to scale up the MDR-TB response. What has been gainedthrough impressive international collaboration can be so easily lost.
The final dimension is financial.The funding gap for TB care and control is substantial. You will hear in just afew minutes what the gaps are in low- and middle-income countries that areeligible to receive Global Fund grants.
We are calling for the investmentthat this global epidemic deserves.
Thank you.
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