Message onthe International Youth Day
12 August 2016
The world’s young people – who makeup the largest generation of youth in history – can lead a global drive tobreak the patterns of the past and set the world on course to a more sustainablefuture. Young people are directly affected by the tragic contradictions thatprevail today: between abject poverty and ostentatious wealth, gnawing hungerand shameful food waste, rich natural resources and polluting industries. Youthcan deliver solutions on these issues, which lie at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In this first year of that15-yearplan for a healthier, safer and more just future, we count on the activeengagement of the world’s young people to transform the production andconsumption of goods and services so they meet the basic needs and aspirationsof the world’s poorest people without overburdening already strainedecosystems.
Young people are traditionally atthe cutting edge, and today’s youth have more information than any previousgeneration. Their dynamism, creativity and idealism can combine to shapeattitudes toward demand and help create more sustainable industries.
Youth are already influencing howthe world produces, distributes and consumes while driving greenentrepreneurship by designing sustainable products and services. As consciousconsumers, young people are at the forefront of a shift toward more fair,equitable and sustainable buying patterns. Youth are strong and effective advocatesof recycling, reusing and limiting waste, and they are leading technologicalinnovations to foster a resource-efficient economy.
When we invest in youth, they cancontribute to new markets, decent jobs, fair trade, sustainable housing,sustainable transport and tourism, and more opportunities that benefit theplanet and people.
I am proud that the United Nationsis actively engaged in supporting young leaders who can carry out the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),including Goal 12 on sustainableconsumption and production patterns. I encourage all young people to becomeinvolved in advancing the SDGs anddemanding action by their Governments. My Youth Envoy is eager to connect youto our campaigns, which are being carried out across the entire United Nationssystem.
On International Youth Day, I urge othersto join this global push for progress. Let us empower young people with theresources, backing and space they need to create lasting change in our world.
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