
2022-07-21 07:21:00来源:网络



  The DOC Brooks No Distortion


  Zhong Sheng


  In midsummer 2015, the so-called South China Sea arbitration hearing that

  the Philippines had been clamoring for and brewing in the past two years finally

  started. Recently, the relevant arbitral tribunal held this so-called hearing in

  The Hague, Netherlands, where the Philippine side made irresponsible and

  derogatory remarks in its statements on the Declaration on the Conduct of

  Parties in the South China Sea signed by relevant countries in 2002. Such

  remarks are indeed astonishing.


  It is well known that in the late 1960s, a report of the United Nations

  Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East stirred up the South China Sea. To

  vie for interests in oil resources, some countries laid territorial claims to

  China’s Nansha Islands and illegally occupied some of the islands and reefs,

  giving rise to the South China Sea issue. For the purpose of managing disputes

  among the parties and maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea,

  China and ASEAN countries started their communication in the 1990s to jointly

  explore a dispute settlement approach suitable for the region. After a long

  period of consultation and mutual adaptation, China and the ten ASEAN countries

  officially signed the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China

  Sea (DOC) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia in 2002, which announced to the world that

  regional countries had an official document to follow when dealing with issues

  in the South China Sea. Since then, the South China Sea disputes gradually

  quieted down and peace and stability was maintained for over a decade. The DOC

  won the reputation of a “stability anchor.” Article 4 of the DOC stipulates

  that, “The Parties concerned undertake to resolve their territorial and

  jurisdictional disputes by peaceful means, without resorting to the threat or

  use of force, through friendly consultations and negotiations by sovereign

  states directly concerned, in accordance with universally recognized principles

  of international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.”

  With eight more years of joint efforts, China and the ten ASEAN countries

  reached agreement on the Guidelines for the Implementation of the DOC in 2011,

  and started the historical process of fully and effectively implementing the



  However, since taking office, the current government of the Philippines has

  drastically changed the country’s constructive attitude for good faith

  cooperation in the past, gone back on its commitment under the DOC and trampled

  on the common efforts of relevant countries in safeguarding peace and stability

  in the South China Sea. It meticulously planned an “arbitration” farce with the

  instigation and support of some country outside the region in an attempt to

  re-create disputes in the South China Sea. At the hearing, the Philippines’

  counsel made unfounded statements that the DOC had never created any right or

  obligation and it was merely an expediency of mutual compromise, and that the

  path of seeking dispute settlement through friendly negotiation chosen by the

  parties through joint commitment was non-binding and had not achieved any

  anticipated result. Such statements can be traced back to the earlier “Memorial”

  filed by the Philippine side. One cannot help but ask, if a sovereign state can

  dishonor its commitment and willfully break its promise, if the DOC is indeed as

  meaningless as claimed by the Philippine side, then where does the international

  reputation of the Philippines, a sovereign state, rest upon? And where did the

  peace and stability in the South China Sea for over a decade come from?!


  What is also astonishing is that the arbitral tribunal could not tell right

  from wrong and followed suit by belittling the DOC, the document signed by the

  governments of China and the ten ASEAN countries, in its ruling on the relevant

  jurisdiction issue. One cannot help but ask how can the choice of dispute

  settlement approach made by all the people of eleven countries, or nearly one

  third of the world’s population, be easily overturned by a word or two of the

  arbitral tribunal?! What’s more, the relevant ruling also gives a distorted

  interpretation of the relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on

  the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and arbitrarily interprets UNCLOS’ stipulation on

  the “obligation to exchange views” on disputes. That is an attempt to lower the

  threshold for the states parties to enter into the compulsory procedures and to

  pave the way for new farces planned by some countries. If the interpretation of

  the arbitral tribunal becomes a reality, countries will be constantly involved

  in various legal actions and the world will hardly have a quiet day. All little

  disputes between two states will inevitably lead to lawsuits. Such an act of

  arbitrarily expanding the power of oneself will never have the consent of

  sovereign states.


  The international rule of law upholding equity and justice cannot be

  distorted by a farce, and the DOC shall not become a scrap of paper just because

  of a few unfounded remarks. All parties to the DOC have the responsibility and

  obligation to safeguard its validity and authority, so that it can continue to

  play the role of a “stability anchor.”


本文关键字: 上海高级口译
