2022年上海高级口译:3月26日外交部发言人耿爽 主持例行记者
上海高级口译相对来说难度更大,对于基础和中级口译来说,上海高级口译考察大家英语知识点会更广泛。这对于大家来说是备考的难点。那么在实际的备考中,这部分内容应该如何进行积累学习呢?下面小编为大家整理了“2022年上海高级口译:3月26日外交部发言人耿爽 主持例行记者”,让我们一起来看看吧!
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang's
Regular Press Conference on March 26, 2020
I'd like to share some figures with you first. March 25 saw 401 patients
cured and discharged from hospital in China's mainland, bringing the tally to
1 澎湃新闻记者:据报道,3月25日七国集团外长举行视频会议,美国务卿蓬佩奥在会后记者会上继续攻击中国政治制度,并再次将新冠病毒称为“武汉病毒”。中方对此有何评论? The
Paper: At a press availability after the Virtual G7 Ministerial on March 25, US
Secretary of State Pompeo renewed his attacks on China's political system and
once again referred to the coronavirus as "the Wuhan virus". What's your
Geng Shuang: We strongly condemn these remarks by Secretary Pompeo.
As China has repeatedly pointed out, origin-tracing of the virus is a
complicated matter, where we should rely on professional views from the science
community. WHO and the international community explicitly object to linking the
virus with specific countries or regions, or seeking stigmatization. They have
commended China's response. However, this American politician continues to defy
global consensus, stigmatize China and discredit its epidemic response. The
sinister intention behind his attempt is to deflect attention at home and shift
the blame to the innocent.
I have to point out that the COVID-19 pandemic is spreading across the globe
and the situation in the US is getting worse. Under such circumstances, if a
politician keeps provoking political disputes and disrupting international
cooperation in combating the virus, instead of focusing on containing the spread
at home and contributing to global cooperation, what morality does he have?
People of the world have all witnessed that it is under the leadership of the
CPC that the Chinese people achieved independence, freedom and liberation and
made enormous progress in national development. It is also under the leadership
of the CPC that the Chinese nation united as one and speedily fought against
COVID-19, buying precious time for the global response. These are plain facts
for all to see.
我们奉劝这个美国政客不要在错误的道路上越走越远,否则,只会进一步暴露他的虚伪和不良用心,只会进一步激起中国人民和世界各国人民的愤慨和反对。 We
advise this politician not to go further down the wrong path, otherwise his
hypocrisy and malign intentions will be further exposed, prompting more
indignation and objection among the Chinese people and the international
2 法新社记者:还是关于蓬佩奥有关言论的问题。蓬佩奥表示,G7外长同意他关于中国在新冠肺炎疫情问题上发动“假消息运动”的说法。中方对此有何评论?
AFP: Just one follow-up question on Secretary of State Pompeo's comments. He
mentioned that the G7 foreign ministers agreed with him that China was waging a
disinformation campaign about the coronavirus pandemic. So we wanted to ask what
is China's comment?
以上就是为大家整理的“2022年上海高级口译:3月26日外交部发言人耿爽 主持例行记者会”,希望大家能够更好的学习上海高级口译,取得理想的成绩。
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2022年上海高级口译汉英翻译练习09 上海高级口译相对来说难度更大,对于基础和中级口译来说,上海高级口译考察大家英语知识点会更广泛。
来源 : 网络 2022-09-30 07:14:00 关键字 : 上海高级口译
2022年上海高级口译汉英翻译练习08 上海高级口译相对来说难度更大,对于基础和中级口译来说,上海高级口译考察大家英语知识点会更广泛。
来源 : 网络 2022-09-30 07:13:00 关键字 : 上海高级口译
2022年上海高级口译汉英翻译练习07 上海高级口译相对来说难度更大,对于基础和中级口译来说,上海高级口译考察大家英语知识点会更广泛。
来源 : 网络 2022-09-29 07:14:00 关键字 : 上海高级口译
2022年上海高级口译汉英翻译练习06 上海高级口译相对来说难度更大,对于基础和中级口译来说,上海高级口译考察大家英语知识点会更广泛。
来源 : 网络 2022-09-29 07:13:00 关键字 : 上海高级口译
2022年上海高级口译汉英翻译练习05 上海高级口译相对来说难度更大,对于基础和中级口译来说,上海高级口译考察大家英语知识点会更广泛。
来源 : 网络 2022-09-28 07:14:00 关键字 : 上海高级口译
2022年上海高级口译汉英翻译练习04 上海高级口译相对来说难度更大,对于基础和中级口译来说,上海高级口译考察大家英语知识点会更广泛。
来源 : 网络 2022-09-28 07:13:00 关键字 : 上海高级口译
2022年上海高级口译汉英翻译练习03 上海高级口译相对来说难度更大,对于基础和中级口译来说,上海高级口译考察大家英语知识点会更广泛。
来源 : 网络 2022-09-27 07:14:00 关键字 : 上海高级口译
2022年上海高级口译汉英翻译练习02 上海高级口译相对来说难度更大,对于基础和中级口译来说,上海高级口译考察大家英语知识点会更广泛。
来源 : 网络 2022-09-27 07:13:00 关键字 : 上海高级口译
2022年上海高级口译汉英翻译练习01 上海高级口译相对来说难度更大,对于基础和中级口译来说,上海高级口译考察大家英语知识点会更广泛。
来源 : 网络 2022-09-26 07:14:00 关键字 : 上海高级口译
2022年上海高级口译汉译英训练(15) 上海高级口译相对来说难度更大,对于基础和中级口译来说,上海高级口译考察大家英语知识点会更广泛。
来源 : 网络 2022-09-26 07:13:00 关键字 : 上海高级口译