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Peeing in the sea at Spanish resort to be banned 西班牙港口城市将禁止

分享到: 2022-07-26 17:34:40 BBC英语教学

摘要:Peeing in the sea at Spanish resort to be banned 西班牙港口城市将禁止游客在海洋中小便,新规定出台后,在西班牙港口城市维戈海滨游泳的人若在海里小便,则可能被处以数百英镑的罚款。


Peeing in the sea at Spanish resort to be banned 西班牙港口城市将禁止游客在海洋中小便


It's unclear how exactly this rule banning unwanted drops in the ocean will be enforced. But the new decree states that anyone caught in the act of physiological evacuation in the sea or on the beach, will face a fine. This infraction has been catalogued as a violation of hygiene and healthcare norms.


The beaches are starting to fill up as a tourist season approaches and the authorities in the city of Vigo, on the Atlantic coast, are seeking to put a stop to individuals adding to the volume of the water. As well as the threat, or stick, of fines, the same decree offers the carrot of accessible public toilets being provided on beaches.

随着旅游旺季的临近,游客开始涌入海滩,坐落在大西洋海岸的维戈市正设法制止人们在海里 “方便” 的行为。正所谓软硬兼施、赏罚并济:除了警告违规者将被处以罚款以外,该法令还提到将在海滩上提供无障碍公共厕所,以便游客使用。

The marine biologist, Helen Scales, explained that such a rule was not only for the benefit of other swimmers – sea life was also affected. But it doesn't end there. The city's authorities have also banned the use of soap and shampoo in the water.



enforced 执行,实行
decree 法令
physiological evacuation 如厕,解手(委婉说法)
infraction 违规行为
violation 违反,违犯
put a stop to 制止,使停止
stick 软硬兼施法的 “硬”,指惩罚
carrot 软硬兼施法的 “软”,指奖赏、激励
public toilets 公共厕所
benefit 益处,好处
sea life 海洋生物


1. What has been classified as 'a violation of hygiene and healthcare norms' at this Spanish seaside resort?

2. What incentive is being offered to stop people committing this offence?

3. True or false? It's not just swimmers who will benefit from this new rule.

4. How will this new rule be enforced?


1. What has been classified as 'a violation of hygiene and healthcare norms' at this Spanish seaside resort?
Urinating – or an act of physiological evacuation – in the sea or on the beach, will be considered a violation and will lead to a fine.

2. What incentive is being offered to stop people committing this offence?
The authorities are offering an incentive – or carrot – of accessible public toilets being provided on beaches.

3. True or false? It's not just swimmers who will benefit from this new rule.
True. Sea life, as well as swimmers, will benefit from the new rule.

4. How will this new rule be enforced?
It's unclear how exactly this rule banning unwanted drops (urinating) in the ocean will be enforced.
