
2022-08-08 07:23:00来源:网络




  China-US relations have deteriorated faster than almost anyone could have

  expected. The question looms: Are the two countries leaping with their eyes

  closed into a so-called Thucydides Trap, with war possible between the rising

  and the established power? The US is driving this process and should reflect

  carefully whether it's in Americans' best interests to continue down this path.

  China also needs to consider how to address the challenges wisely and whether

  the slide in the wrong direction can be halted.


  Tensions caused by trade have started to spread to other areas. The US is

  now claiming that China has become its main strategic competitor, even accusing

  it of interfering in elections and seeking to challenge American global

  hegemony. At the international level, globalism and multilateralism are under

  attack, and the resurgence of geopolitical and power competition, mixed with

  populism and protectionism, are weakening the bonds built among countries in

  recent decades. These uncertainties seem poised to drag the world back to the

  turbulent years of the early 20th century.


  The causes for these tensions are many and various. Competition among the

  new drivers of growth, industry and technology is a source of unease. So, too,

  are the seismic political realignments in liberal democracies. It also seems

  that the US and other Western countries, driven by their suspicion of different

  political systems, have become more wary or even fearful of China's success

  under the leadership of the Communist Party.

  美国需要意识到,它的诸多怨诉都建立在不牢固的事实基础之上。例如,美国自认为是全球化的受害者 ——


  —— 人均增加35,577美元;而同期中国人均国内生产总值增长8,509美元,不及美国增长额的四分之一。

  The US needs to realize that many of its complaints rest on shaky

  foundations. For instance, the US seems to believe that it's a victim of

  globalization — even though the numbers tell a different story. According to

  World Bank statistics based on current dollar estimates, US gross domestic

  product grew from $5.98 trillion in 1990 to $19.39 trillion in 2017, an increase

  of $35,577 per capita. China's GDP per capita over the same period grew $8,509,

  or less than a quarter of the US total.


  The reality is that the US has been the main long-term beneficiary of

  globalization. US multinationals have earned huge profits. And there's no doubt

  that Americans' prosperity and high living standards have been helped by

  low-cost overseas manufacturing, low-priced imports, and the global circulation

  of dollars.


本文关键字: 上海高级口译
