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The hidden self-portrait of Vincent Van Gogh discovered by X-ray X射线扫描

分享到: 2022-08-12 18:53:42 BBC英语教学

摘要:英语大破解The hidden self-portrait of Vincent Van Gogh discovered by X-ray X射线扫描发现隐藏的梵高自画像Play video fil


The hidden self-portrait of Vincent Van Gogh discovered by X-ray X射线扫描发现隐藏的梵高自画像


The hidden self-portrait of Vincent Van Gogh discovered by X-ray X射线扫描发现隐藏的梵高自画像


The face of Vincent Van Gogh emerges from the past.


The portrait is hidden on the back of a painting held in Edinburgh.


It was discovered by X-ray at the National Galleries of Scotland concealed by glue and cardboard on the back of Head of a Peasant Woman.

这幅肖像画是在苏格兰国立美术馆用 X射线扫描后发现的,它被胶水和硬纸板遮挡住了,藏在《农妇头像》画布的背面。

Lesley Stevenson, Senior Conservator
“What a major discovery! We’re all absolutely thrilled. It’s great for the National Galleries and for Scotland as a whole. A self-portrait gives us an insight into how the artist saw himself. It’s quite a particular perspective and, of course, Van Gogh needs no introduction.”

莱斯利·史蒂文森 资深艺术品保护员

Work will now get under way to try to recover the amazing find.

