今天,我有机会同东盟九国的领导人首次会晤,探讨发展中国与东盟各国面向二十一世纪的友好合作,感到十分高兴。首先,我对东盟成立三十周年,表示热烈的祝贺。Today I feel more than happy to have the opportunity to gather together with leaders of nine ASEAN countries for the fires time to discuss and explore the development of Chinese-ASEAN friendship and cooperation oriented toward the 21st century. First of all, I wish to offer my warm congratulations to ASEAN on its 30th anniversary.
This meeting, I believe, marks the beginning of a new stage of development in Chinese-ASEAN relations.
With the purpose of engaging active participation broadening common ground, enhancing mutual trust and strengthening cooperation, I have come here to explore together with ASEAN leaders the objectives and guidelines for the development of our future relations.
At this important historical juncture on the eve of the new century, we should approach and handle our bilateral relations from a long-rang strategic perspective and forge a Chinese-ASEAN good-neighborly partnership of mutual trust orientated toward the 21st century. This is not only in conformity with the trend of the times and in the fundamental interest of China and ASEAN countries, but also facilitates the establishment of a just and rational new international order and the advancement of the lofty cause of peace and development of Asia and the world at large.
Both the Chinese and the ASIAN people are industrious and courageous people full of wisdom. Since ancient times, they have created brilliant civilizations and built up fine cultural traditions full of Oriental character in their own lands, thus making important contributions to the progress of humanity. Joined together by mountains and rivers or facing each other across the sea, China and ASEAN countries have developed a profound traditional friendship among the people in the course of their age-old contacts and exchanges.
Profound changes have taken place in both China and ASEAN countries. Through a century-long struggle and sacrifice, the Chinese people won their national liberation and established the New China. With decades of more efforts, they have built China into a socialist country with initial prosperity. Through protracted and arduous struggle, the people of ASEAN countries have also shaken off the yoke of colonialism, won their national independence and scored commendable achievements in their course of nation building.
本文关键字: 上海高级口译
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