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New method of extracting silver 科学家找到提取金属银的新方法

分享到: 2022-10-25 19:00:56 BBC英语教学

摘要:媒体英语New method of extracting silver 科学家找到提取金属银的新方法Play audio file英国莱斯特大学的科学家们开发了一种从旧太


New method of extracting silver 科学家找到提取金属银的新方法


Both silver and aluminium are typically recovered from solar panels which have reached the end of their useful lives. The metals are then reused. For that though scientists normally use water with sodium chloride, table salt, in it. But the process is toxic and expensive.


Now, researchers here in Britain have found a way to use iron chloride and aluminium chloride dissolved in brines or solvents to extract the metals instead. The brines are cheap and environmentally friendly, and the process retrieves more than 90 percent of the silver and aluminium in ten minutes.


The researchers are now trying to apply the same approach to other metals from different sources of waste, such as smartphones, thermoelectric materials and magnets.



recovered 回收
toxic 有毒的
brines 盐水
solvents 溶剂
retrieves 取回,回收
thermoelectric 热电的


1. Which metals are typically recovered from solar panels?

2. What are the issues with using water and sodium chloride to extract metals?

3. What are the benefits of using brines as an alternative?

4. How long does it take the brines to extract 90 percent of the silver and aluminium?


1. Which metals are typically recovered from solar panels?
Silver and aluminium are typically recovered.

2. What are the issues with using water and sodium chloride to extract metals?
The process is toxic and expensive.

3. What are the benefits of using brines as an alternative?
Using brines as an alternative is cheap and environmentally friendly.

4. How long does it take the brines to extract more than 90 percent of the silver and aluminium?
It takes ten minutes to recover more than 90 percent of silver and aluminium.
