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单词 accept 的五个用法

分享到: 2023-02-05 18:00:39 BBC英语教学

摘要:一分钟英语单词 accept 的五个用法Play video file内容简介动词 accept 有多个用法。比如:accept a gift(接受礼物)、accept an


单词 accept 的五个用法


动词 “accept” 有多个用法。比如:accept a gift(接受礼物)、accept an offer(接受邀请或提议)。“Accept” 还可以用来表示 “接纳”,“忍受”。主持人 Sam 教你动词 “accept” 的五个常见用法。


1. 动词 “accept” 可以表示 “接受,领受(礼物、奖项、道歉、责任、付款方式)”。

  • Thank you but this gift is way too expensive – I can't accept it.

  • The singer accepted her award at the ceremony.

  • She accepted his apology for showing up late to her birthday party.

  • I accept full responsiblity for my decisions and mistakes.

  • Many shops don't accept cash anyore.

2. 动词 “accept” 可以表示 “接受(邀请或提议)”。

  • Could everyone please accept the meeting invitation I just sent around?

  • She accepted the job straight away.

3. 动词 “accept” 可以表示 “相信(某事属实);接受(现实)”。

  • Even though all the evidence was laid out before his eyes, he did not accept it to be true.

  • The relationship has been over for weeks, but he still refuses to accept it.

4. 动词 “accept” 可以表示 “(因满意而)接受,接纳;认可”。

  • Tommy was immediately accepted by the other children at his new shcool.

  • After living in this area for three years, we finally feel accepted by the community.

5. 动词 “accept” 可以表示 “容忍,忍受”。

  • I could not accept the living conditions in my previous flat, so I decided to move.

  • Even though it makes me sad, I accept that my time with you in this lesson is up.
