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Exhibition of sculptures by Picasso opens in Spain

分享到: 2023-06-03 13:28:28 BBC英语教学

摘要:媒体英语Exhibition of sculptures by Picasso opens in Spain 毕加索雕塑展在西班牙开幕Play audio file西班牙画家巴勃罗·毕加


Exhibition of sculptures by Picasso opens in Spain 毕加索雕塑展在西班牙开幕


Picasso may be better known for his Cubist and Surrealist paintings. But the artist was a prolific sculptor, producing around 700 works in his lifetime.


This exhibition, entitled 'Picasso – Sculptor, Matter and Body', brings together 61 sculptures he made between 1909 and 1964 – a span of more than 50 years.

这场名为《毕加索 — 雕塑家、物质与身体》的展览汇集了他在1909年至1964年间创作的61件雕塑,作品时间跨度超过50年。

Among the works on display are the Reclining Bather, made in plaster, and Woman With Vase fashioned from bronze ovals. Other sculptures are made from what are known as found objects, everyday items Picasso put together to create his works.

这次展出的作品包括石膏制成的《浴者卧像(Reclining Bather)》和椭圆形青铜制成的《持花瓶的女人(Woman with Vase)》。其它雕塑的材料则来自 “现成物”,即毕加索为创造艺术品而改装的日常物品。

The exhibition is the first of its kind in Spain to be devoted exclusively to Picasso's sculpture.



cubist 立体主义的
surrealist 超现实主义的
prolific 多产的,高产的
sculptor 雕塑家
works 作品
span 一段时间,时间跨度
plaster 石膏
found objects 现成物,由日常物品改造而成的艺术品
devoted to 将…用于


1. How many sculptures did Picasso make in his lifetime?

2. True or False? 61 paintings are on display at this new exhibition.

3. What material was the sculpture Reclining Bather made with?

4. Why is this new exhibition so special?


1. How many sculptures did Picasso make in his lifetime?

Picasso made around 700 sculptures in his lifetime.

2. True or False? 61 paintings are on display at this new exhibition.

False. 61 sculptures are on display, not paintings.

3. What material was the sculpture Reclining Bather made with?

Reclining Bather was made with plaster.

4. Why is this new exhibition so special?

It's the first exhibition to be devoted exclusively to Picasso's sculpture.
