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实用单词 pretty 的常见用法汇总

分享到: 2023-06-03 13:35:07 BBC英语教学

摘要:一分钟英语实用单词 pretty 的常见用法汇总Play video file内容简介你可能知道形容词 pretty 可以表示某人是 漂亮的,这个词也可以


实用单词 pretty 的常见用法汇总


你可能知道形容词 “pretty” 可以表示某人是 “漂亮的”,这个词也可以形容事物是 “赏心悦目的”。不过,你知道 “pretty” 在非正式语境中作副词的用法吗?看视频,学习 “pretty” 的常见用法。


1. 形容词 “pretty” 常指某人(尤其女性)是 “漂亮的,标致的”。

  • Margo always tells her daughter that she's pretty.

  • She's kind, pretty, funny and intelligent. I love her!

2. 形容词 “pretty” 也可以表示事物或风景是 “赏心悦目的,精致美丽的”。

  • There's a very pretty view at the top of that hill.

  • What a pretty dress!

3. “Pretty” 作副词,适用于非正式语境中。副词 “pretty” 可以表示 “相当地”,类似于 “quite” 和 “rather”。

  • The house was built recently, it's pretty new.

  • I'm pretty sure I've locked the car.

4. 副词 “pretty” 也可起强调作用,表示 “很,非常”。

  • We went to bed at 2am, so we were pretty tired.

  • The food here is pretty bad. I won't come back.

5. 副词短语 “pretty much” 和 “pretty well” 的意思是 “几乎全部地,差不多地”。

  • I think we've mentioned pretty well everything, so I guess we're pretty much finished.

  • It's pretty much time to go! I've packed pretty well all my stuff.
