
2023-09-17 18:16:06来源:新东方在线


本文旨在帮助大家正确理解和掌握表示一日三餐的 breakfast, lunch, supper前是否使用冠词的问题。


在通常情况下,表示一日三餐的 breakfast, lunch, supper前不用冠词。如:

Breakfast is served until 9 am. 早餐一直供应到上午9点。

Can you manage lunch on Tuesday? 你星期二能来吃午饭吗?

Have you finished supper already? It’s only 5 o’clock! 你已经吃过晚饭了? 现在才5点钟啊!

A snack in the afternoon bridges the gap between lunch and supper. 在午餐和晚餐之间,下午吃些点心补充一下。

Mother said lunch was ready and there was a mad dash for the table. 母亲说午饭做好了, 大家一下子都向饭桌奔去。

注:不连用冠词的用法尤其注意以下搭配:have breakfast (lunch, supper), after breakfast (lunch, supper), at breakfast (lunch, supper), before breakfast (lunch, supper), during breakfast (lunch, supper), for breakfast (lunch, supper), over breakfast (lunch, supper), since breakfast (lunch, supper), without breakfast (lunch, supper)。如:

They were having breakfast when I arrived. 我到达时,他们正在用早餐。

We got off immediately after breakfast. 我们吃完早餐就动身了。

Please make your beds before breakfast. 请在早饭前把床铺好。

It happened at [during] lunch. 此事发生在吃午饭的时候。

I nearly always go home for lunch. 我差不多总是回家吃午饭。

Do you want a boiled egg for breakfast? 你早饭要吃煮鸡蛋吗?

She scanned the newspaper over breakfast. 她吃着早饭把报纸大略看了一遍。

I haven’t eaten since breakfast. 我吃了早饭后到现在还什么都没吃呢。

I had to go without breakfast this morning as I was in a hurry. 我今早很匆忙, 只好不吃早饭了。



The supper is well cooked. 晚饭做得很好。

Thank you for the breakfast. 谢谢你的这顿早餐。


After that breakfast, I never saw her again. 吃了那顿早餐后,我就再没有看到过她。

Why don’t you go for a walk? It’ll give you an appetite for your lunch. 你怎么不出去散散步? 散散步午饭时就有食欲了。


若breakfast, lunch, supper受到描绘性定语的修饰,则其前通常要用不定冠词。如:

We had a working lunch. 我们吃了一顿工作午餐。

We had a very late lunch. 我们很晚才吃午饭。

That was quite a decent lunch. 那顿午餐相当不错。

He takes a packed lunch to work. 他带(盒装)午饭上班。

After a quick breakfast, he hurried to the station. 匆匆忙忙吃完早餐,他就赶到车站去了。

I’ve got out of the habit of having a cooked breakfast. 我已不再保持早餐吃热食的习惯。

We had a quick lunch and finished up with a cup of coffee. 我们匆忙吃了午饭,最后又喝了一杯咖啡。


1. 有时可以有自己的修饰语:此时通常是指所吃的东西。如:

She doesn’t eat much breakfast. 她早点吃得不多。

She always eats very little supper. 她晚饭总是吃得很少。

Take her some breakfast on a tray. 用托盘给她送些早点。

注:有时也可不直接用 much, little 等修饰,而换用其他表达。如:

She never eats much for breakfast. 她早点从不多吃。

2. 有时可以用复数形式:此时通常是指不同种类或不同人所用的早餐、中餐或晚餐。如:

We serve hot and cold lunches. 我处供应冷热午餐。

Does this pub provide lunches? 这家酒馆供应午餐吗?



  1. 理解冠词的基本定义:冠词是一种修饰词,用于指定一个名词的准确性。它们分为两种类型:不定冠词(a和an)和定冠词(the)。

  2. 了解何时使用不同的冠词:不定冠词通常用于引入一个名词,而定冠词用于指向特定的名词。例如,“我有一个苹果”(我有一个我们尚未讨论的东西)和“给我那个苹果”(我想要的就是那个具体的苹果)。

  3. 学习冠词如何与名词一起使用:通常情况下,单数可数名词前需要冠词,而复数名词或者不可数名词前通常不需要冠词(如果不是指特定的那些则不需要)。例如,我们说“一杯水”(不定冠词 a+ 可数名词 cup),但是当我们谈论水(Water)作为一个抽象概念时,我们不用任何冠词。

  4. 理解某些短语中的特殊用法:有些短语中的冠词用法可能会有所不同,这需要通过大量阅读和实践来掌握。例如,“to have a good time”、“in the morning/afternoon/night”。

  5. 大量练习:冠词的使用主要靠感觉,自然而然就会随着你的英语水平提高而提高。通过大量的读书、写作和说话练习,你将开始更自然地使用冠词。

  6. 利用在线资源:互联网上有许多资源可以帮助你学习和练习冠词的使用。使用这些工具和应用程序可以帮助你更好地理解和记住冠词的正确使用方法。

  7. 不怕犯错:冠词的使用可能是英语学习者面临的最大挑战之一,所以不要怕犯错。即使是非常流利的英语使用者也会偶尔错误地使用冠词,所以不要对此感到沮丧。持续学习和实践会使你在使用冠词方面变得越来越自信。

本文关键字: breakfast lunch supper 冠词 用法
