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单词 situation 怎么用?

分享到: 2024-03-08 17:05:56 BBC英语教学

摘要:单词 situation 怎么用?


单词 situation 怎么用?


“Situation” 是一个在口语和写作中常用的名词,它多用来指 “特定时间、特定地点的具体情况”。比如:“personal situation(个人情况)”、 “economic situation(经济状况)”。名词 “situation” 还有什么用法?看视频,学习单词 “situation” 的常见用法。


1. “Situation” 可以指 “特定时间、特定地点的具体情况,处境”。

  • He has three children and he's just lost his job. It's a terrible situation.

  • Considering everyone was shouting, you dealt with the situation really well.

2. 搭配 “economic situation” 指 “经济状况”。

  • The company is in a tight economic situation. They almost went bankrupt last year.

3. “Situation” 也可以指 “(城镇或建筑的)位置”。

  • The garden's situation is perfect for catching some sun.

  • This town is in the middle of the country. It's in a great situation for trade.
