商务口语实用对话:At the Showroom

2024-04-03 21:26:56来源:网络

  商务口语是职场中比较常用的,在不同的场合,英语口语也有很多的注意事项。所以想要更好的提升商务口语能力,大家还是需要在平时做好相应的训练。具体的商务口语需要提升哪些呢?下面小编为大家整理了“商务口语实用对话:At the Showroom”相关内容,一起来看看吧!

  ◆ A Chinese ceramics manufacturer talks with an American importer.

  ◆ Importer : What beautiful art ceramics you make.

  ◆ Manufacturer: I learned the craft from my father. Then I studied ceramic engineering at school.

  ◆ Importer : All your hard work looks as if it's paid off.

  ◆ Manufacturer : Yes, I have 50 employees. I hope to become the biggest exporter of ceramics in Taiwan.

  ◆ Importer : Well, the demand for ceramics is increasing in my country.

  ◆ Manufacturer : Yes, a large proportion of our sales are to the U.S.

  ◆ Importer : The development of ceramics in your country has been remarkable.You carry on a centuries-old tradition and keep pace with modern technology at the same time.

  ◆ Manufacturer : Yes, our research in the field has been yielding good results. And we're deeply grateful to your country's technicians for their considerable assistance.

  ◆ Importer : Tell me about your designs.

  ◆ Manufacturer: How do you like this one?

  ◆ Importer: It's beautiful.

  ◆ Manufacturer : This is an eight-foot decorative vase. It's hand-made and the inlaid designs are etched in. It takes 45 days to make. Its retail price will be US$3,000.

  ◆ Importer : The result is certainly worth the effort. How about this design over here?

  ◆ Manufacturer : This vase is still in the experimental stage.

  ◆ Importer : Why is that?

  ◆ Manufacturer : It's quite expensive to make and because of its small size, buyers balk at its high price. We feel we could sell more if we could reduce the price.

  ◆ Importer : Well, you mustn't tamper with quality. It's the high quality of Chinese ceramics that attracts American buyers.

  ◆ Manufacturer : That's why a reduction in price can never be made at the expense of quality.

  ◆ Importer : Well, thank you for showing me your beautiful ceramic ware. I was so impressed by your designs and the high quality of your pieces.

  以上就是为大家整理的“商务口语实用对话:At the Showroom”,希望帮助大家更好的提升商务口语能力,更多精彩内容敬请关注本频道的持续更新!

本文关键字: 商务口语



