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单词 during 的两个常见用法

分享到: 2024-04-08 11:02:52 BBC英语教学

摘要:单词 during 的两个常见用法


单词 during 的两个常见用法


“During” 作介词时可以表示几种时间关系:在一定时间内的某个时间段,也就是 “在...期间”,如 “during the day(在白天)”;在一个时间段内的某个时间点,即 “在...时,如 “during the meeting”。视频中举例讲解 “during” 的具体用法。


1. 作介词时,“during” 的意思是 “在…期间”。比如:“during the morning(在早上)”、“during the day(在白天)”、“during the night(在夜里)”。

  • I work during the day, but my husband works during the night.

  • You mustn't use mobile phones during the test.

注意:介词 “during” 可以放在句首或句中。

  • We go to the beach during the summer.

  • During the summer, we go to the beach.

2. 作介词时,“during” 还可以表示在一个时间段内的某个时间点,意思是 “在…期间的某个时候”。

  • I lost my purse during the trip, but I don't know exactly where or when.

  • My phone rang during the meeting.
