
2024-05-24 08:03:00来源:网络


  Some skill sets are easier to screen for than others. A writing sample will

  highlight communication skills; extremely tough questions will test a

  candidate’s ability to think on his or her feet; and asking the applicant to

  discuss previous roles will provide information about his or her experience.


  But how can you test for "soft skills," such as teamwork and empathy,

  during the interview?


  There’s no magic formula, but essentially you need to look for two things:

  self-awareness (because you want a candidate who can make the connection between

  his or her actions and professional outcomes) and instincts (because you want

  someone who would intuitively take the empathetic, team-oriented and optimistic



  To that end, read on for two questions you can ask in future interviews

  that will help you sniff out the perfect people to add to your team.


  "Can you tell me about a time when you worked as part of a group?"


  To start with, red-flag a candidate who tells a story about how the group

  was useless until he or she rode in on a white horse and saved the day. First,

  this person hasn’t done the interview prep necessary to know you shouldn’t speak

  poorly of others. Second, it’s not a good sign if the story that comes to mind

  is one where he or she personally succeeded and the team failed. The "I’m

  smarter than everyone else" response indicates both low self-awareness and poor

  propensity for teamwork.


  But what if the candidate is exceptional because the team was flailing and

  he or she saved the day? A candidate who works well with others will tell the

  story differently. He or she will include the merits of the other approaches and

  frame it more as a story that shows initiative, leadership and creative

  thinking, rather than one about being the smartest person on the team. This

  time, the "I had the solution" answer works.


  Of course, the best answer is one about a time when a team successfully

  worked together. The candidate would discuss the other members' contributions as

  well as his or her own and include what it taught him or her about working well

  with others. You know this candidate will bring strong teamwork skills to the

  table (and that his or her first instinct is to discuss working with others



  "Can you tell me about a time when you had to ask for help?"


  This is one of my all-time favorite interview questions. Why? Because smart

  candidates know that every answer should make them look like the best choice.

  So, seeing how an applicant approaches this question will let you know if he can

  describe (and view) himself as an asset, even when discussing a failure.


  The red-flag answer here is, "I can’t really remember the last time I had

  to ask for help." This person thinks the only way to make a good impression is

  to be perfect. He not only lacks self-awareness, but he could be a dangerous

  hire, because when he makes a mistake (and who hasn't?) he may not be

  comfortable telling anyone.


  A second-rate answer would be one that includes a "fake" example (similar

  to the cop-out answers to "What’s your biggest weakness?"). An example of this

  would be something along the lines of: "I thought I had the best solution to a

  problem, and then I hit an obstacle and reached out to someone, and then I

  realized I did have the best answer all along." This candidate gets points for

  reaching out to someone else when she needed a sounding board, as well as having

  the ability to take a step back and reassess when things weren’t working, but

  she still isn’t comfortable admitting to making a true mistake.


  The best answer is one in which the candidate identifies a mistake she made

  and how she learned from someone else. Why? Because it takes learning

  experiences in prior roles to apply the lessons learned to a future position.

  Moreover, an answer like this gives a candidate the chance to speak sincerely

  about mentorship and growth — which is great for her to share and for you to

  hear. An ideal answer might sound something like:


  “I remember a time at my first job when a disgruntled customer called, and

  no matter what I said, I couldn’t seem to make her feel any better. Even though

  she didn’t ask to speak to a manager, I asked my supervisor to speak to her and

  listened as he ably addressed her concerns. There were some key phrases he used

  to defuse the situation that I simply hadn’t heard before. I paid attention to

  what he said so that I was prepared the next time I had to handle a situation

  like that for myself. ”


  Oh, and it should go without saying that this is still an interview. So a

  candidate who admits to doing anything negligent, illegal or mean-spirited

  automatically fails this question, regardless of whether he demonstrates

  exceptional honesty and self-awareness when relaying the story.”


  Screening for soft skills is just as important as testing for technical

  abilities. Use the questions above to make sure your new hire has the emotional

  aptitude to handle the job.



本文关键字: 面试英语口语



